更新时间:2021-07-23 15:18:39
About the Author
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Chapter 1. Clusters Parallel Computing and Raspberry Pi – A Brief Background
A very short history of parallel computing
Raspberry Pi and parallel computing
Chapter 2. Setting Up your Raspberry Pi Software and Hardware for Parallel Computing
Setting up our work environment
Future expansion and a scalable setup
Completing the initial setup
Using an SD card as our Raspberry Pi's storage device
BerryBoot version 2
Starting up the Raspberry Pi
Wrapping up
Chapter 3. Parallel Computing – MPI on the Raspberry Pi
MPI – Message Passing Interface
MPI implementations – MPICH and OpenMPI
Creating an environment and downloading MPICH
Writing an MPI-based application
Chapter 4. Hadoop – Distributed Applications on the Raspberry Pi
A brief introduction to Apache Hadoop
Installing Java
Installing Apache Hadoop
Chapter 5. MapReduce Applications with Hadoop and Java
MapReduce in Hadoop
The WordCount MapReduce program
Testing our application
Chapter 6. Calculate Pi with Hadoop and MPI
Monte Carlo simulators
A Hadoop application to calculate Pi
Pi with C language and MPI
Chapter 7. Going Further
Booting from an external USB HDD
Building a Lego enclosure
Experimenting with MPI and Fortran
Power for multiple devices
Appendix A. Appendix
Fortran and C/C++
MPI Hadoop and parallel computing
Raspberry Pi cases and clusters