[1] Metal flow and grain structure can be controlled, so forged parts have good strength and toughness, they can be used reliably for highly stressed and critical applications. Forging may be done at room temperature (cold forging) or at elevated temperatures (warm or hot forging).
[2] The open-die forging process can be depicted by a solid workpiece placed between two flat dies and reduced in height by compressing it. This process is also called upsetting or flat-die forging.
[3] The flash has a significant role in the flow of material in impression-die forging. The thin flash cools rapidly, and because of its frictional resistance, it subjects the material in the die cavity to high pressures, thereby encouraging the filling of the die cavity.
[4] Preforming processes, such as fullering and edging (Figs. 4.2 b and c), are used to distribute the material into various regions of the blank, much as in shaping dough to make pastry. In fullering, material is distributed away from an area; in edging, it is gathered in to a localized area.
句意:(锻件毛坯的)预成形如压肩和卡压(见图4.2b, c)是对毛坯材料在不同区域进行分配,如我们在制作糕点时首先要将面团揉捏成初始的形状一样。卡压是使坯料从某处向两端分配,而压肩则是使坯料集中在某个局部区域。
[5] Coining essentially is a closed-die forging process typically used in minting coins, medallions, and jewelry; the slug is coined in a completely closed die cavity.
[6] The grinding process, if not controlled properly, can cause surface damage from excessive heat and can induce harmful tensile residual stresses on the surface of the die, which will reduce its fatigue life.