Yehya ben Khalid the Barmecide was returning homeone day,from the Khalif's palacewhen he saw a man at the gate of his housewho rose at his approach and saluted himsaying'O YehyaI am in need of that which is in thy handand I make God my intermediary with thee.'So Yehya caused set apart a place for him in his house and bade his treasurer carry him a thousand dirhems every day and that his food should be of the choicest of his own meat. The man abode thus a whole monthat the end of which timehaving received in all thirty thousand dirhemshe departed by stealthfearing lest Yehya should take the money from himbecause of the greatness of the sum;and when they told Yehya of thishe said'By Allahthough he had tarried with me to the end of his daysyet had I not scanted him of my largesse nor cut off from him the bounties of my hospitality!'Forindeedthe excellences of the Barmecides were past count nor can their virtues be told;especially those of Yehya teen Khalidfor he abounded in noble qualitieseven as saith the poet of him:
I asked munificence'Art free?'It answered'Noperdie!
Yehya ben Khalid's slave am I;my lord and master he.'
'A boughten slave?'asked I;but'Nayso heaven forfend!'
quoth it. 'From ancestor to ancestor he did inherit me.'