and myrtle and so forth;and indeed it was without compare;seeming as it were a piece of Paradise to whoso beheld it.If a sick man entered it,he came forth from it like a raging lion;and tongue availeth not to its deion,by reason of that which was therein of wonders and rarities which are not found but in Heaven: and how should it be otherwise when its doorkeeper's name was Rizman? Though widely different were the stations of those twain! Now when the sons of the merchants had walked about gazing at the garden after taking their pleasure therein,they say down in one of its pavilions and seated Nur al-Din in their midst.--And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
When it was the Eight Hundred and Sixty-sixth Night; She resume,It hath reached me,O auspicious King,that when the sons of the merchants sat down in the pavilion they seated Nur al-Din in their midst on a rug of gold-purfled leather of Al-Taif,[410] leaning on a pillow[411] of minever,stuffed with ostrich down.And they gave him a fan of ostrich feathers;whereon were written these two couplets;'A fan whose breath is fraught with fragrant scent;* Minding of happy days and times forspent;Wafting at every time its perfumed air * O'er face of noble youth on honour bent.'
Then they laid by their turbands and outer clothes and sat talking and chatting and inducing one another to discourse,while they all kept their eyes fixed on Nur al-Din and gazed on his beauteous form.After the sitting had lasted an hour or so,up came a slave with a tray on his head,wherein were platters of china and crystal containing viands of all sorts (for one of the youths had so charged his people before coming to the garden);
and the meats were of whatever walketh earth or wingeth air or swimmeth waters,such as Kata-grouse and fat quails and pigeon-poults and mutton and chickens and the delicatest fish.
So,the tray being sat before them,they fell to and ate their fill;and when they had made an end of eating,they rose from meat and washed their hands with pure water and musk-scented soap,and dried them with napery embroidered in silk and bugles;
but to Nur al-Din they brought a napkin laced with red gold whereon he wiped his hands.Then coffee[412] was served up and each drank what he would,after which they sat talking,till presently the garden-keeper who was young went away and returning with a basket full of roses,said to them,'What say ye,O my masters,to flowers?'Quoth one of them,'There is no harm in them,[413] especially roses,which are not to be resisted.'
Answered the gardener,'Tis well,but it is of our wont not to give roses but in exchange for pleasant converse;so whoever would take aught thereof,let him recite some verses suitable to the situation.'Now they were ten sons of merchants of whom one said,'Agreed: give me thereof and I will recite thee somewhat of verse apt to the case.'Accordingly the gardener gave him a bunch of roses[414] which he took and at once improvised these three couplets;'The Rose in highest stead I rate * For that her charms ne'er satiate;
All fragrant flow'rs be troops to her * Their general of high estate:
Where she is not they boast and vaunt;* But,when she comes;they stint their prate.'
Then the gardener gave a bunch to another and he recited these two couplets;'Take,O my lord,to thee the Rose * Recalling scent by mush be shed.
Like virginette by lover eyed * Who with her sleeves[415]enveileth head.'
Then he gave a bunch to a third who recited these two couplets;'Choice Rose that gladdens heart to see her sight;* Of Nadd recalling fragrance exquisite.
The branchlets clip her in her leaves for joy,* Like kiss of lips that never spake in spite.'
Then he gave a bunch to a fourth and he recited these two couplets;'Seest not that rosery where Rose a-flowering displays * Mounted upon her steed of stalk those marvels manifold?
As though the bud were ruby-stone and girded all around * With chrysolite and held within a little hoard of gold.'
Then he gave a posy to a fifth and he recited these two couplets;'Wands of green chrysolite bare issue,which * Were fruits like ingots of the growing gold.[416]
And drops,a dropping from its leaves,were like * The tears my languorous eyelids railed and rolled.'
Then he gave a sixth a bunch and he recited these two couplets;'O Rose,thou rare of charms that dost contain * All gifts and Allah's secrets singular;Thou'rt like the loved one's cheek where lover fond * And fain of Union sticks the gold dinar.'[417]
Then he gave a bunch to a seventh and he recited these two couplets;'To Rose quoth I,'What gars thy thorns to be put forth * For all who touch thee cruellest injury?'
Quoth she,'These flowery troops are troops of me * Who be their lord with spines for armoury.'
And he gave an eighth a bunch and he recited these two couplets;'Allah save the Rose which yellows a-morn * Florid,vivid and likest the nugget-ore;
And bless the fair sprays that displayed such fowers * And mimic suns gold-begilded bore.'
Then he gave a bunch to a ninth and he recited these two couplets;'The bushes of golden-hued Rose excite * In the love-sick lover joys manifold:
'Tis a marvel shrub watered every day * With silvern lymph and it fruiteth gold.'
Then he gave a bunch of roses to the tenth and last and he recited these two couplets;'Seest not how the hosts of the Rose display * Red hues and yellow in rosy field?
I compare the Rose and her arming thorn * To emerald lance piercing golden shield.'
And whilst each one hent bunch in hand,the gardener brought the wine-service and setting it before them,on a tray of porcelain arabesqued with red gold,recited these two couplets;'Dawn heralds day-light: so wine pass round,* Old wine,fooling sage till his wits he tyne:
Wot I not for its purest clarity * An'tis wine in cup or'tis cup in wine.'[418]