When Charles saw that all of them did fail, Deep down he bowed his head and all his face For th' grief he had, caitiff himself proclaimed.
One of his knights, Tierris, before him came, Gefrei's brother, that Duke of Anjou famed;Lean were his limbs, and lengthy and delicate, Black was his hair and somewhat brown his face;Was not too small, and yet was hardly great;And courteously to the Emperour he spake:
"Fair' Lord and King, do not yourself dismay!
You know that I have served you many ways:
By my ancestors should I this cause maintain.
And if Rollant was forfeited to Guenes Still your service to him full warrant gave.
Felon is Guene, since th' hour that he betrayed, And, towards you, is perjured and ashamed:
Wherefore I judge that he be hanged and slain, His carcass flung to th' dogs beside the way, As a felon who felony did make.
But, has he a friend that would dispute my claim With this my sword which I have girt in place My judgement will I warrant every way."Answer the Franks: "Now very well you spake."