"Well, I don't know exactly what I mean," went on the tunnel contractor, "but our tunnel happens to start at Rimac, which is a small town at the base of the mountains.""Maybe the professor is a geologist," suggested Tom, "and he may want to get some samples of that hard rock.""Maybe," admitted Mr.Titus."But I shall keep my eyes on him all thesame.I'm not going to have any strangers, who happen to be around when bombs drop near us, get into my tunnel.""I think you're wrong to doubt Professor Bumper," Tom said.
A few days after this, when Tom and Mr.Titus were casually discussing the weather on deck and wondering how much longer it would be before they reached Callao, Mr.Damon, who had been playing numberless games of chess, came up for a breath of air.
"Mr.Damon," called Tom, "come over here and meet a friend of ours, Professor Bumper," and he was about to introduce them, for the two, as far as Tom knew, had not yet met.But no sooner had the professor and Mr.Damon caught sight of each other than there was a look of mutual recognition.
"Bless my fountain pen!" cried the eccentric man."If it isn't my old friend!""Mr.Damon!" cried the professor."I am delighted to see you again.I did not know you were on board!""Nor I you.Bless my apple dumpling! Are you still after those Peruvian antiquities?""I am, Mr.Damon.But I did not know you were acquainted with Mr.Swift.""Oh, Tom and I are old friends."
"Professor Bumper saved the lives of Mr.Titus and myself," said Tom, "or at least he saved us from severe injury by a bomb.""Pray do not mention it, my friends," put in the professor, casually."It was nothing."Of course he did not mean it just that way.
Then, naturally, Mr.Damon had to be told all about the bomb for the first time, and his wonder was great.He blessed everything he could think of.
"And to think it should be my old friend, Professor Bumper, who saved you," said the odd man to Tom and Mr.Titus later that day.
"Do you know him well?" asked Mr.Titus.
"Very well indeed.Our drug concern sells him many chemicals for his experiments.""Well, if you know him I guess he can't be what I thought he was," the contractor went on."I'm glad to know it.Why is he going to the Andes?""Oh, for many years he has been interested in collecting Peruvian antiquities.He has a certain theory in regard to something or other about their ancient civilization, but just what it is I have, at this moment, forgotten.Only I know you can thoroughly trust Professor Bumper, for a finer man never lived, though he is a bit absent-minded at times.But you will like him very much."Thus the last lingering doubt of Professor Bumper was removed.Mr.Damon told something of how the scientist had been honored by degrees from many colleges and was regarded as an authority on Peruvian matters.
But who had placed the bomb on deck remained a mystery.
In due time Callao, the seaport of Lima, was reached and our friends disembarked.Tom saw to the unloading of the explosive, which was to be sent direct to the tunnel at Rimac.Mr.Titus, Tom and Mr.Damon would remain in Lima a day or so.
Professor Bumper disembarked with our friends, and stopped at the same hotel.Tom kept a lookout for Senor Pinto, but did not see him, and concluded that the Spaniard was ill, and would be carried ashore on a stretcher, perhaps.
Lima, the principal city and capital of Peru, proved an interesting place.It was about eight miles inland and was built on an arid plain about five hundred feet above sea level.Yet, though it was on what might be termed a desert, the place, by means of irrigation, had been made into a beauty spot.
Tom found the older part of the city was laid out with mathematical regularity, each street crossing the other at right angles.But in the new portions there was not this adherence to straightness.
"Bless my transfer! Why, they have electric cars here!" exclaimed Mr.Damon, catching sight of one on the line between Callao and the capital.
"What did you think they'd have?" asked Mr.Titus, "elephants or camels?""I--I didn't just know," was the answer.
"Oh, you'll find a deal of civilization here," the contractor said."Ofcourse much of the population is negro or Indian, but they are often rich and able to buy what they want.There is a population of over 150,000, and there are two steam railroads between Callao and Lima, while there is one running into the interior for 130 miles, crossing the Andes at an elevation of over three miles.It is a branch of that road, together with a branch of the one running to Ancon, that I am to connect with a tunnel."Tom found some beautiful churches and cathedrals in Lima, and spent some time visiting them.He and Mr.Damon also visited, in the outskirts, the tobacco, cocoa and other factories.
Three days after reaching the capital, Mr.Titus having attended to some necessary business while Mr.Damon set on foot matters connected with his affairs, it was decided to strike inland to Rimac, and to try the effect of Tom Swift's explosive on the tunnel.
The journey was to be made in part by rail, though the last stages of it were over a rough mountain trail, with llamas for beasts of burden, while our friends rode mules.
As Tom, Mr.Damon, Koku, and Mr.Titus were going to the railroad station they saw Professor Bumper also leaving the hotel.
"I believe our roads lie together for a time," said the bald-headed scientist, "and, if you have no objections, I will accompany you.""Come, and welcome!" exclaimed Mr.Titus, all his suspicions now gone.
"And it may be that you will be able to help me," the scientist went on."Help you--how?" asked Tom.
"I will tell you when we reach the Andes," was the mysterious answer.
It was a day later when they left the train at a small station, and struck off into the foothills of the great Andes Mountains, where the tunnel was started, that the professor again mentioned his object.
"Friends," he said, as he gazed up at the towering cliffs and crags, "I am searching for the lost city of Pelone, located somewhere in these mountains.Will you help me to find it?"