This was the cause of Mother Bunch's emotion.Florine, when she went to see the superior, had left the young sempstress in a passage supplied with benches, and forming a sort of ante-chamber on the first story.
Being alone, the girl had mechanically approached a window which looked upon the convent garden, shut in by a half demolished wall, and terminating at one end in an open paling.This wall was connected with a chapel that was still building, and bordered on the garden of a neighboring house.The sewing-girl, at one of the windows on the ground floor of this house--a grated window, still more remarkable by the sort of tent-like awning above it--beheld a young female, with her eyes fixed upon the convent, making signs with her hand, at once encouraging and affectionate.From the window where she stood, Mother Bunch could not see to whom these signs were addressed; but she admired the rare beauty of the telegrapher, the brilliancy of her complexion, the shining blackness of her large eyes, the sweet and benevolent smile which lingered on her lips.There was, no doubt, some answer to her graceful and expressive pantomime, for, by a movement full of elegance, the girl laid her left hand on her bosom, and waved her right, which seemed to indicate that her heart flew towards the place on which she kept her eyes.One faint sunbeam, piercing the clouds, came at this moment to play with the tresses of the pale countenance, which, now held close to the bars of the window, was suddenly, as it were, illuminated by the dazzling reflection of her splendid golden hair.At sight of that charming face, set in its admirable frame of red curls, Mother Bunch started involuntarily; the thought of Mdlle.de Cardoville crossed her mind, and she felt persuaded (nor was she, indeed, mistaken), that the protectress of Agricola was before her.On thus beholding, in that gloomy asylum, this young lady, so marvellously beautiful, and remembering the delicate kindness with which a few days before she had received Agricola in her luxurious little palace of dazzling splendor, the work-girl felt her heart sink within her.She believed Adrienne insane; and yet, as she looked attentively at her, it seemed as if intelligence and grace animated that adorable countenance.Suddenly, Mdlle.de Cardoville laid her fingers upon her lips, blew a couple of kisses in the direction towards which she had been looking, and all at once disappeared.Reflecting upon the important revelations which Agricola had to make to Mdlle.de Cardoville, Mother Bunch regretted bitterly that she had no means of approaching her; for she felt sure that, if the young lady were mad, the present was a lucid interval.She was yet absorbed in these uneasy reflections, when she saw Florine return, accompanied by one of the nuns.Mother Bunch was obliged, therefore, to keep silence with regard to the discovery she had made, and soon after she found herself in the superior's presence.This latter, after a rapid and searching examination of the countenance of the young workwoman, judged her appearance so timid, gentle and honest, that she thought she might repose full confidence in the information given by Florine.
"My dear daughter," said Mother Sainte-Perpetue, in an affectionate voice, "Florine has told me in what a cruel situation you are placed.Is it true that you are entirely without work?"
"Alas! yes, madame."
"Call me mother, my dear daughter; that name is dearer to me, and it is the rule of our house.I need not ask you what are your principles?"
"I have always lived honestly by my labor, mother," answered the girl, with a simplicity at once dignified and modest.
"I believe you, my dear daughter, and I have good reasons for so doing.
We must thank the Lord, who has delivered you from temptation; but tell me--are you clever at your trade?"
"I do my best, mother, and have always satisfied my employers.If you please to try me, you will be able to judge."
"Your affirmation is sufficient, my dear daughter.You prefer, I think, to go out by the day?"
"Mdlle.Florine told me, mother, that I could not have work at home."
"Why, no--not for the present, my child.If hereafter an opportunity should offer, I will think of it.Just now I have this to propose to you.A very respectable old lady has asked me to recommend to her a needle-woman by the day; introduced by me, you will certainly suit her.
The institution will undertake to clothe you becomingly, and this advance we shall retain by degrees out of your wages, for you will look to us for payment.We propose io give you two francs a day; does that appear to you sufficient?"
"Oh, mother! it is much more than I could have expected."
"You will, moreover, only be occupied from nine o'clock in the morning till six in the evening; you will thus have still some off hours, of which you might make use.You see, the situation is not a hard one."
"Oh! quite the contrary, mother."
"I must tell you, first of all, with whom the institution intends to place you.It is a widow lady, named Mme.de Bremant, a person of the most steadfast piety.In her house, I hope, you will meet with none but excellent examples.If it should be otherwise, you can come and inform me."
"How so, mother?" said the sewing-girl, with surprise.
"Listen to me, my dear daughter," said Mother Sainte-Perpetue, in a tone ever more and more affectionate; "the institution of St.Mary has a double end in view.You will perfectly understand that, if it is our duty to give to masters and mistresses every possible security as to the morality of the persons that we place in their families, we are likewise bound to give to the persons that we so place out every possible security as to the morality of their employers."
"Nothing can be more just and of a wiser foresight, mother."