第30章 15th June,1835
To J.Thornton,Esq.(ENDORSED:recd.July 20,1835)ST.PETERSBURG,JUNE 15,1835.
SIRS,-Having drawn upon Messrs.Asmus,Simondsen &Compy.of St.
Petersburg for the following sums,I have to request that you will honour this draft to a like amount,1000roubles (one thousand),received the 11th May.
2000(two thousand),received at the present moment.
I take the liberty of stating that the printing of the Mandchou Testament is brought to a conclusion,and that six of the eight parts are bound.As soon as the other two are completed I shall take my departure for England.
I have the honour to remain,Sir,Your most obedient and most humble servant,G.BORROW.