第39章 CHAPTER XX(2)
Her hand fell as though by accident upon his, and remained there.
Mr. Sabin was very nearly embarrassed. He knew quite well that if she were not his enemy at that moment she would be very shortly.
"Lucille," she continued, "will blame me too. I cannot help it.
I want to tell you that for the present your separation from her is a certain thing. She acquiesces. You heard her. She is quite happy. She is at the ball to-night, and she has friends there who will make it pleasant for her. Won't you understand?"
"No," Mr. Sabin answered.
She beat the ground with her foot.
"You must understand," she murmured. "You are not like these fools of Englishmen who go to sleep when they are married, and wake in the divorce court. For the present at least you have lost Lucille.
You heard her choose. She's at the ball to-night - and I have come here to be with you. Won't you, please," she added, with a little nervous laugh, "show some gratitude?"
The interruption which Mr. Sabin had prayed for came at last. The musicians had left, and many of the lights had been turned down.
An official came across to them.
"I beg your pardon, sir," he said, addressing Mr. Sabin, "but we are closing now, unless you are a guest in the hotel."
"I am staying here," Mr. Sabin answered, rising, "but the lady - "
Lady Carey interrupted him.
"I am staying here also," she said to the man.
He bowed at once and withdrew. She rose slowly to her feet and laid her fingers upon his arm. He looked steadily away from her.
"Fortunately," he said, "I have not yet dismissed my own carriage.
Permit me."
* * * * *
Mr. Sabin leaned heavily upon his stick as he slowly made his way along the corridor to his rooms. Things were going ill with him indeed. He was not used to the fear of an enemy, but the memory of Lady Carey's white cheeks and indrawn lips as she had entered his carriage chilled him. Her one look, too, was a threat worse than any which her lips could have uttered. He was getting old indeed, he thought, wearily, when disappointment weighed so heavily upon him. And Lucille? Had he any real fears of her? He felt a little catch in his throat at the bare thought - in a moment's singular clearness of perception he realised that if Lucille were indeed lost the world was no longer a place for him. So his feet fell wearily upon the thickly carpeted floor of the corridor, and his face was unusually drawn and haggard as he opened the door of his sitting-room.
And then - a transformation, amazing, stupefying. It was Lucille who was smiling a welcome upon him from the depths of his favourite easy-chair - Lucille sitting over his fire, a novel in her hand, and wearing a delightful rose-pink dressing-gown. Some of her belongings were scattered about his room, giving it a delicate air of femininity. The faint odour of her favourite and only perfume gave to her undoubted presence a wonderful sense of reality.
She held out her hands to him, and the broad sleeves of her dressing-gown fell away from her white rounded arms. Her eyes were wonderfully soft, the pink upon her cheeks was the blush of a girl.
"Victor," she murmured, "do not look so stupefied. Did you not believe that I would risk at least a little for you, who have risked so much for me? Only come to me! Make the most of me.
All sorts of things are sure to happen directly I am found out."
He took her into his arms. It was one of the moments of his lifetime.
"Tell me," he murmured, "how have you dared to do this?"
She laughed.
"You know the Prince and his set. You know the way they bribe.
Intrigues everywhere, new and old overlapping. They have really some reason for keeping you and me apart, but as regards my other movements, I am free enough. And they thought, Victor - don't be angry - but I let them think it was some one else. And I stole away from the ball, and they think - never mind what they think.
But you, Victor, are my intrigue, you, my love, my husband!"
Then all the fatigue and all the weariness, died away from Mr.
Sabin's face. Once more the fire of youth burned in his heart.
And Lucille laughed softly as her lips met his, and her head sank upon his shoulder.