List 4
0300 solely |'səʊlli|
adv. 完全地;仅仅
例 The team can’t be sure their results are due solely to Obama. 这个团队还不能确定他们的调查结果是否完全归因于奥巴马。
0301 sole |səʊl|
adj. 单独的;唯一的
例 In agriculture, sustainable development is often taken as the sole measure of progress without a proper appreciation of historical and cultural perspectives. 在农业方面,可持续发展经常被认为是农业进步的唯一标准,而历史和文化的角度则没有得到适当的认可。
0302 incident |'ɪnsɪdənt|
n. 事件;事故
例 Similar incidents have occurred before. 类似的事件过去也曾经发生过。
0303 provide |prə'vaɪd|
v. 提供
例 It’s not only the selective and elite institutions that provide those opportunities for a small subset of this population. 不仅仅是那些精挑细选的精英机构为这一小群体的人提供那样的机会。
0304 provider |prə'vaɪdə|
n. 供应商;提供者
例 Should the provider take any responsibility on the issue? 供应商是否应该为这件事负责呢?
0305 annual |'ænjuəl|
adj. 年度的
例 On a global scale, fertilizer manufacturing consumes about 3-5% of the world’s annual natural gas supply. 全球范围内,化肥制造约消耗世界年天然气供应量的3-5%。
0306 explore |ɪk'splɔː|
v. 探索;勘察
例 When Stephen Covey, founder and director of the Leadership Institute, explored leadership styles in the past decade, he focused on the habits of a great number of highly effective individuals. 当领导力研究中心的创始人及总监史蒂芬·柯维在过去十年中探索领导风格时,他聚焦于大量工作高效人士的习惯。
0307 exploration |,eksplə'reɪʃn|
n. 探索;勘查
例 Space exploration has always been the province of dreamers: The human imagination readily soars where human ingenuity struggles to follow. 太空探索一直是梦想家的领域:人类的想象力很容易腾飞,人类的创造力则需奋力追赶。
0308 explorer |ɪk'splɔːrə|
n. 探险者;勘探者
例 Earlier this year, British explorer Pen Huddle and his team trekked for three months across the frozen Arctic Ocean, taking measurements and recording observations about the ice. 今年年初,英国探险家佩恩·赫德尔及其团队在北冰洋上艰苦跋涉了三个月,对冰层进行了测量和观察记录。
0309 sensitive |'sensɪtɪv|
adj. 1 敏感的 2 体贴的
例 The rising tide of trade is also good news for people who work in trade-sensitive businesses. 不断上涨的交易浪潮对于在贸易敏感型行业工作的人来说也是一个好消息。
0310 sensitivity |,sensɪ'tɪvɪti|
n. 1 敏感 2 体贴
例 As a poet, Ted Hughes had an acute sensitivity to the way in which constraints on self-expression, like the disciplines of meter and rhyme, spur creative thought. 作为一名诗人,泰德·修斯对约束自我表达的方式,如音步和押韵的规范,可以激发创造性思维有着敏锐的感知。
0311 context |'kɒntekst|
n. 环境;背景
例 They should also be seeking individuals who have backgrounds in areas such as political science, the creative arts, history or philosophy, which will allow them to put business decisions into a wider context. 他们还应该寻找在政治学、创造性艺术、历史或哲学等领域有背景的人,这将使他们能够将商业决策置于更广泛的背景下。
0312 bond |bɒnd|
v. 培养,建立关系 n. 1 纽带,联系 2 债券
例 1 Time must be given for the mother to bond with her baby. 母婴之间需要时间来培养感情。
例 2 For investors who desire low risk and guaranteed income, US government bonds are a secure investment because these bonds have the financial backing and full faith and credit of the federal government. 对于追求低风险而又能保证收益的投资者而言,美国国债是一种很安全的投资。因为这些国债有着联邦政府的经济后盾和充足信用。
0313 approve |ə'pruːv|
v. 1 批准 2 认可
例 The Food and Drug Administration has not approved Avast for use in the eye. 食品药品监督管理局还没有批准Avast用于眼疾的治疗。
0314 approval |ə'pruːvl|
n. 1 批准 2 同意
例 The killing of “bad” mice requires no prior approval. 然而灭杀“坏”老鼠不需要提前得到批准。
0315 resident |'rezɪdənt|
n. 居民;住户
例 They have aroused fear among the residents. 他们在居民中间引起了恐惧。
0316 residential |,rezɪ'denʃl|
adj. 住宅的
例 More than half of all residential power goes into running household appliances, producing a fifth of the world’s carbon emissions. 超过一半的居民用电被用于家电设备,这部分用电产生了世界碳排放总量的五分之一。
0317 residency |'rezɪdənsi|
n. 1 居住 2 驻留期
例 Dr. John Sergent, head of Vanderbilt University Medical School’s residency programme, enrolled in Vanderbilt’s undergraduate college in 1959. 约翰·瑟金特医生是范德比尔特大学医学院住院实习项目的负责人,1959年进入范德比尔特大学本科进行学习。
0318 loan |ləʊn|
n. 借款;贷款 v. 借出
例 Tuition has soared, leaving graduating students with unprecedented loan debt. 学费剧增给即将毕业的学生留下了前所未有的贷款债务。
0319 newborn |'njuːbɔːn|
adj. 新生的
例 Mothers have been warned for years that sleeping with their newborn infant is a bad idea because it increases the risk that the baby might die unexpectedly during the night. 多年来,母亲们总是受到警告,说和她们的新生婴儿睡在一起是一个糟糕的主意,因为这会增加宝宝们在晚上意外死亡的风险。
0320 decline |dɪ'klaɪn|
v. 1 下降 2 婉拒 3 变差 n. 下降
例 1 The price of 14 inches TV set declined from 400 to 320 yuan each. 14英寸的电视机的价格从每台400元下降到了每台320元。
例 2 Smith declined the offered position of chairman, preferring setting up his own business. 史密斯拒绝了主席职位的邀请,他更倾向于自己创业。
例 3 Qualified staff are leaving and the product standards are declining. 称职的员工不断离职,产品标准持续下降。
0321 territory |'terətri|
n. 1 领土 2 范围
例 Humans are the ultimate invasive species—when they move into new territory, they often displace the wildlife that was already living there. 人类是终极入侵物种,每到一个新的领地,他们往往迫使已经生活在那里的野生动物离开家园。
0322 crack |kræk|
n. 裂缝 v. 砸开;使裂开
例 Now he is falling in a policy crack. 现在他钻了政策的空子。
例 If you want to bring up a Mozart or Bach, the key factor is how hard you are prepared to crack the whip. 如果你想培养出一个像莫扎特或是巴赫一样的人,关键因素是你能够在多大程度上严加管教。
0323 biodiversity |,baɪəʊdaɪ'vɜːsɪti|
n. 生物多样性
例 These changes have also led to habitat loss and to diminishing biodiversity. 这些变化也导致了动物栖息地的丧失和生物多样性的减少。
0324 demand |dɪ'mɑːnd|
n. 要求;需求
例 This level of wastage is a tragedy that cannot continue if we are to succeed in the challenge of sustainably meeting our future food demands. 这种程度的浪费是一个悲剧,如果我们想要成功地克服持续满足我们未来食物需求的挑战,这一悲剧就不能再继续下去。
0325 heighten |'haɪtən|
v. 提高;增强
例 People who do not have access to a good listener may be denied the opportunity to heighten their self-awareness. 没有一个优秀的倾听者的人可能失去提升自我意识的机会。
0326 straighten |'streɪtən|
v. 1 使变直 2 帮…改进;为…解除困惑
例 1 Straighten your back! 把后背挺直!
例 2 The problem should be straightened out in a couple of hours. 问题应该在几小时之内被解决。
0327 tolerate |'tɒləreɪt|
v. 容许;忍受
例 Informal learning environments tolerate failure better than schools. 非正式的学习环境对待失败比学校更加宽容。
0328 institute |'ɪnstɪtjuːt|
n. 协会;学院 v. 开始实行
例 The new National Institute of Food and Agriculture won’t fund this research, the National Institutes of Health won’t fund it, and the NASA funded it only briefly. 新的国家食物与农业协会并不会资助这一研究,国家健康协会也不会资助它,而美国国家航空航天局仅仅短暂地资助过它。
0329 mismatch |'mɪsmætʃ|
n. 不匹配 |mɪs'mætʃ| v. 使…错配
例 With a new generation of workers who had completed high school, the mismatch between skills and jobs had been greatly reduced. 随着新一代完成了高中学业的工人们的出现,技术和工作之间的不匹配已经大大地减少了。
0330 guidance |'ɡaɪdəns|
n. 指导
例 I have noticed parents returning to a belief that teenagers need the guidance of elders rather than the liberal. 我注意到父母们又开始相信青少年需要长辈而不是自由份子的引导。
0331 chase |tʃeɪs|
v./n. 追逐;争取
例 The evidence shows that a large number of universities have fallen off the back of the pack, a few perform strongly and the rest chase the leaders. 证据表明,许多大学已经被落在后面。少数表现强劲,其余的则追赶领导者。
0332 grant |grɑːnt|
v. 准予;授予 n. 拨款
例 Humanists are usually among the lowest-paid faculty members at most institutions and are often lightly regarded because they do not generate grant income and because they provide no obvious credentials for most nonacademic careers. 在大部分机构里,人文学者的工资是全体教职员工中最低的,而且经常受到轻视,因为他们不能获得拨款资助,也因为他们并不能够给大多数非学术的职业提供明确资质。
0333 conflict |'kɒnflɪkt|
n. 冲突 |kən'flɪkt| v. 冲突,矛盾
例 Conflicts between doctors and patients often occur. 医生和病人之间经常发生冲突。
0334 literature |'lɪtrətʃə|
n. 文学
例 There is a question, however, about Poe’s importance in American Literature. Some critics say Poe was one of America’s best writers, and even had a great influence on many French writers, but others disagree. 然而,爱伦·坡在美国文学史上的重要性尚有疑问。有一些评论家认为爱伦·坡是美国最优秀的作家之一,甚至对很多法国作家都有过巨大的影响;但另一些评论家则不同意。
0335 customized |'kʌstəmaɪzd|
adj. 定做的,定制的
例 The website is designed to guide early-career scientists through a confidential, rigorous process of introspection to create a customized career plan. 网站被设计来指导处于早期职业生涯的科学家通过一个保密的、严谨的自省过程来定制个人职业计划。
0336 necessity |nɪ'sesɪti|
n. 1 必需品 2 必要
例 Unemployment insurance provides them with the basic necessities of everyday life. 失业保险满足了他们日常生活的基本需求。
0337 relativity |,relə'tɪvɪti|
n. 1 相对性 2 相对论
例 Einstein’s Relativity Theory, as one of the most classical and profound theories in the history, has a great influence on modern physics. 作为历史上最为经典和深刻的理论之一,爱因斯坦的相对论对现代物理学有着巨大的影响。
0338 withdraw |wɪð'drɔː|
v. 1 撤退 2 收回(建议、请求等)
例 1 This ideal presents a woman who withdraws quietly to the background, subordinating her life and needs to those of her family and its male head. 这一完美典范展示了一个默默退居“幕后”并把自己的生活和需要让位于家庭和男主人的女性。
例 2 After much persuasion, he agreed to withdraw his resignation. 多次劝说之后,他同意收回辞呈。
0339 comprise |kəm'praɪz|
v. 包含,包括
例 These objects comprise functions and data of the system. 这些物品包含系统的功能和数据。
0340 discipline |'dɪsɪplɪn|
n. 1 纪律 2 学科
例 Graphics are used in textbooks as part of the language of the discipline, as in math or economics. 图表作为学科语言的一部分被应用于教材中,就像在数学、经济学中一样。
0341 admission |æd'mɪʃn|
n. 1 允许进入 2 承认 3 入场费;门票费
例 The admission fee is so expensive that all the tourists are wondering if it includes all the accommodation or not. 门票费用很高,因此旅客们想知道其中是否包括了食宿费。
0342 labour |'leɪbə|
n. 劳工,劳动力 v. 努力做;干苦力
例 The philippines has a reputation for providing cheap labour power for all the countries nearby. 菲律宾以向周边国家提供廉价劳动力而闻名。
0343 complaint |kəm'pleɪnt|
n. 1 抱怨 2 投诉
例 Facing their children’s complaints of “nothing to do”, parents were shelling out large numbers of dollars for various forms of entertainment. 面对着孩子们抱怨“无所事事”,父母们开始花费大量的钱为他们安排各种形式的娱乐活动。
0344 emergency |ɪ'mɜːdʒənsi|
n. 紧急情况
例 Hello,this is Dr. Martin from the Emergency Department. I have a male patient with a fractured ankle. 你好,我是急诊科的马丁医生,我有一位男性患者脚踝骨折。
0345 advocate |'ædvəkeɪt|
v. 拥护 |'ædvəkət| n. 拥护者
例 The bankers, among the strongest advocates of laissez faire economics, were only too willing to accept hundreds of billions of dollars from the government in the aid programmes that have been a recurring feature of the global economy since the beginning of the Thatcher-Reagan era of “free” markets and deregulation. 自由主义经济体制的最强拥护者中,银行家们巴不得从政府的援助项目中拿到数千亿美元。自从撒切尔-里根时代的“自由”市场和撤销管制规定以来,这些援助项目已成为全球经济中一个循环出现的特征。
0346 insert |ɪn'sɜːt|
v. 1 插入 2 添加
例 In several recent incidents, Hackers have been able to obtain massive information of credit card, debit-card or prepaid card numbers using malware, ie. malicious software, inserted secretly into the retailers’ point-of-sale system—the Check out registers. 在最近的几起事件当中,黑客通过将恶意软件暗中植入零售店销售点的收银台系统,获取了信用卡、借记卡和储值卡当中的大量信息。
0347 disturb |dɪ'stɜːb|
v. 1 打扰 2 使不安
例 The quest for growth lets loose new anxieties and economic conflicts that disturb the social order. 对增长的追求引起了新的焦虑和经济冲突,扰乱了社会秩序。
0348 disorder |dɪ'sɔːdə|
n. 1 混乱 2 失调,疾病
例 My own work is focused on the chemical imbalances and biological factors related to behavioural and emotional disorders. 我自己的工作集中在与行为和情绪失调相关的化学失衡和生物性因素上。
0349 essential |ɪ'senʃl|
adj. 1 完全必要的 2 本质的;基本的
例 There is considerable and justified concern that the United States is falling behind much of the rest of the developed world in these essential disciplines. 现在存在一种广泛且合理的担心:美国在这些基础学科上落后于很多其他发达国家。
0350 sketch |sketʃ|
v. 描述;勾画 n. 草图;素描
例 He is responsible for drawing sketches for advertisements. 他负责为广告画草图。
0351 ecology |ɪ'kɒlədʒi|
n. 生态学;生态
例 Knowledge Ecology International contends that the Supreme Court’s ruling could have “profound effects” on other biotech industries. 知识生态学国际组织声称最高法院的判决将会对其他生物科技产业产生“深远影响”。
0352 ecologist |ɪ'kɒlədʒɪst|
n. 生态学家
例 “Usually when we walk through the rain forest we hear a soft sound from all the moist leaves and organic debris on the forest floor,” says ecologist Daniel Nepstad. 生态学家丹尼尔·耐普斯泰德说道:“通常在热带雨林散步的时候,我们会听到地面上潮湿的树叶和有机岩屑轻柔的声音。”
0353 acceleration |æk,selə'reɪʃn|
n. 加速
例 That change is the rapid acceleration of urbanization. 那一变化即城市化进程的加速。
0354 scale |skeɪl|
n. 规模,范围 v. 按比例调整大小
例 1 In the past, one of the biggest disadvantages of machines has been their inability to work on a micro-scale. 过去,机器的最大的缺点之一就是无法在微观层面工作。
例 2 The writing can be scaled to any size, depending on the paper. 文字可以被调整为任何尺寸,视纸张大小而定。
0355 religion |rɪ'lɪdʒn|
n. 宗教,信仰
例 Though having a child is a deeply personal decision, it’s shaped by culture, religion, economics, and government policy. 尽管生孩子是一个非常个人的决定,但这个决定也会受到文化、宗教、经济和政府的政策影响。
0356 misbehave |,mɪsbɪ'heɪv|
v. 1 行为不端 2 发生故障
例 Moffitt explained that self-control problems were widely observed and weren’t just a feature of a small group of misbehaving kids. 莫菲特解释道,自制力问题普遍存在,并不只是一小部分行为不端的孩子们的特点。
0357 invade |ɪn'veɪd|
v. 侵略,入侵
例 He had read that speakers can be more persuasive if they invade the personal space of listeners, encouraging an emotional response. 他曾经读到,如果发言者入侵听众的私人空间,激发一种情绪上的回应,他会更有说服力。
0358 minimal |'mɪnɪml|
adj. 最小的;最低限度的
例 Medieval agriculture had minimal effect on biodiversity, and any pollution it caused was typically localised. 中世纪农业对生物多样性的影响很小,其产生的任何污染一般都是地方性的。
0359 intense |ɪn'tens|
adj. 剧烈的;强烈的
例 This mode of bussiness is likely to start a new round of intense competition. 这一商业模式可能会引发新一轮激烈的竞争。
0360 intensity |ɪn'tensɪti|
n. 强度
例 General Electric aims to reduce the energy intensity of its operations by 50% by 2015. 通用电气公司计划到2015年将运营过程中的能源使用强度降低50%。
0361 intensive |ɪn'tensɪv|
adj. 高强度的;密集的;大量的
例 They have to carry out intensive surveys of colleges before children make an application. 他们必须在孩子们作出申请之前对诸多大学进行密集调查。
0362 intensify |ɪn'tensɪfaɪ|
v. 加强;加剧
例 BRICS should intensify regional co-operation. 金砖国家应该加强区域合作。
0363 vivid |'vɪvɪd|
adj. 1 生动的 2 鲜艳的;明亮的
例 The vivid images of more than 300 animals that Jean-Marie Chauvet and his assistants found on the cave walls were like none that they had seen before. 让·玛丽·肖威和他的助手们在洞穴壁上发现的超过300种动物的生动形象是他们之前从未看到过的。
0364 faith |feɪθ|
n. 1 信仰 2 信心
例 A doctor’s fame strengthens the patients’ faith in him. 医生的名声会增强病人对他的信心。
0365 certificate |sə'tɪfɪkət|
n. 1 证书;证明 2 文凭
例 Senior citizens have to show their birth certificates to get a discount. 老年居民必须出示出生证明才能享受折扣。
0366 span |spæn|
n. 1 一段时间 2 跨度
例 At Sears, 54 percent were black. Blacks have significantly shorter life spans, in part due to racism in the health establishment. 在西尔斯,54%的居民是黑人,他们的寿命明显偏短,一部分原因要归咎于健康体系中的种族歧视。
0367 loner |'ləʊnə|
n. 独来独往的人
例 What do collaborators and loners have in common? 合作者和独来独往的人之间有什么共同之处?
0368 loneliness |'ləʊnlinəs|
n. 孤独
例 Many doctors and researchers believe that loneliness harms the immune system, making us more vulnerable to a range of minor and major illnesses. 很多医生和研究者认为孤独会损害免疫系统,使我们对一系列大大小小的疾病变得更加没有抵抗力。
0369 submit |səb'mɪt|
v. 1 提交 2 委托
例 When he submitted his papers in 1905, Einstein forgot to make footnotes and citations. 1905年,爱因斯坦提交论文时,忘记了做脚注和标记引用。
0370 occupy |'ɒkjʊpaɪ|
v. 1 占领 2 占据
例 The first floor would be occupied by the offices of Research and Development staff. 一楼将会被研发部员工的办公室占用。
0371 manufacture |,mænjʊ'fæktʃə|
v. (大量)生产
例 Human organs can be manufactured like appliances some day. 有朝一日,人类器官可以像器具一样被生产。
0372 motivate |'məʊtɪveɪt|
v. 激励,调动…的积极性
例 A prime example Schweitzer and his colleagues cite is the 2004 collapse of energy-trading giant Enron, where managers used financial incentives to motivate salesmen to meet specific revenue goals. 斯凯维特泽和他的同事引用的首要案例是2004年能源贸易巨头安然公司的轰然崩塌,该公司的经理们运用财务激励手段促使推销员达成特定的收入目标。
0373 motivation |,məʊtɪ'veɪʃn|
n. 动机;动力
例 The same motivation that can push people to exert more effort in a constructive way could also motivate people to be more likely to engage in unethical behaviours. 同样的动机可能以建设性的方式推动人们付出更多努力,也可能刺激人们产生不道德的行为。
0374 motive |'məʊtɪv|
n. 动机,缘由
例 What most students and parents don’t realize is that schools have hidden motives for offering early decision. 大部分学生和家长都没有意识到学校提前录取背后隐藏的动机。
0375 motivational |,məʊtɪ'veɪʃənl|
adj. 促进的;激励的
例 Goals with financial rewards have strong motivational power. 有经济奖励的目标有着强大的驱动力。
0376 consist |kən'sɪst|
v. 由…组成,包括
例 The range consists of a variety of scissors from children scissors to scissors for tailors, hairdressers etc. We also have a large range of kitchenware. 此系列包括多种不同的剪刀,从儿童用的到裁缝用的、理发师用的等。我们还有多种不同的厨具。
0377 highlight |'haɪlaɪt|
v. 1 强调 2 标出 n. 最精彩的部分
例 Some people highlight the strain that undocumented immigrants place on public services, like schools, hospitals, and jails. 一些人强调非法移民强加于学校、医院和监狱等公共服务的压力。
0378 constantly |'kɒnstəntli|
v. 不断地,一直
例 For students who haven’t yet done enough research, or who are still constantly changing their minds on favourite schools, the early-decision system needlessly and prematurely narrows the field of possibility just at a time when students should be opening themselves to a whole range of thrilling options. 对于没有做足够研究或是始终无法确定自己到底喜欢哪所学校的学生来说,提前录取体制不必要地,而且过早地缩小了选择的范围,而这正是他们应该放开自己做出令人心动的选择的时候。
0379 constant |'kɒnstənt|
adj. 稳定的;持续的
例 We humans, like all warm-blooded animals, can keep our core body temperatures pretty much constant regardless of what’s going on in the world around us. 我们人类,就像所有热血动物一样,无论外界的环境发生什么,都可以保持我们身体的核心温度恒定。
0380 deprive |dɪ'praɪv|
v. 剥夺
例 The profound connection between identity and communication is dramatically evident in children who are deprived of human contact. 个体身份与交流沟通之间的重大联系在被剥夺了人类交往的儿童身上异常显著。
0381 deprivation |,deprɪ'veɪʃn|
n. 1 剥夺 2 剥削
例 The deprivation of his citizenship shocked him. 被剥夺公民权令他很吃惊。
0382 cure |kjʊə|
v. 治愈 n. 疗法
例 Saying that there’re no easy answers sounds wise, but it’s actually foolish: our unemployment crisis could be cured very quickly if we had the intellectual clarity and political will to act. 说没有容易的解决方案听起来充满智慧,但是实际上很愚蠢:只要我们拥有清晰的头脑和采取行动的政治意愿,我们的失业危机就能够很快被解决。
0383 humanity |hjuː'mænɪti|
n. 1 人性 2 人类 3 人文学科
例 The idea that institutions or their students must decide between humanities and science is false. 认为大学院校或大学生必须在人文和科学之间做出抉择的想法是错误的。
0384 hint |hɪnt|
n. 暗示;线索 v. 暗示
例 Hints like that would be enough by themselves to create international economic chaos if they were ever leaked. 这样的暗示,如果被泄露,本身就足以制造国际经济混乱。
0385 nap |næp|
n. 小憩;午觉
例 Have a little nap after lunch. 午饭后小憩一会。
0386 curriculum |kə'rɪkjʊləm|
n. 课程
例 Perhaps many teachers have too little time to allow students to form and pursue their own questions in the curriculum. 可能很多教师几乎没有时间允许学生在课程体系内形成自己的问题并追寻答案。
0387 impress |ɪm'pres|
v. 使钦佩;使印象深刻
例 I had to see her a few times, but what impressed me most were the magazines in her waiting room. 我曾经见过她几次,但是令我印象最深的是她会客室中的杂志。
0388 impressive |ɪm'presɪv|
adj. 令人印象深刻的
例 The concert is very impressive. 这次音乐会令人印象非常深刻。