06 Victor Hugo to Adele Foucher维克托·雨果致阿黛尔·富歇尔
Friday evening,March 15,1822
After the two delightful evenings spent yesterday and the day before,I shall certainly not go out tonight,but will sit here at home and write to you.Besides,my Adele,my adorable and adored Adele,what have I not to tell you?O,God!For two days,I have been asking myself every moment if such happiness is not a dream.It seems to me that what I feel is not of earth.I cannot yet comprehend this cloudless heaven.
You do not yet know,Adele,to what I had resigned myself.Alas,do I know it myself?Because I was weak,I fancied I was calm;because I was preparing myself for all the mad follies of despair.I thought I was courageous and resigned.Ah!Let me cast myself humbly at your feet,you who are so grand,so tender and strong!I had been thinking that the utmost limit of my devotion could only be the sacrifice of my life;but you,my generous love,were ready to sacrifice for me the repose of yours.
Adele,to what follies,what delirium,did not your Victor give way during these everlasting eight days!Sometimes I was ready to accept the offer of your admirable love;I thought that if pushed to the last extremity by the letter from my father,I might realize a little money,and then carry you away—you,my betrothed,my companion,my wife—away from those who might want to disunite us;I thought we would cross France,I being nominally your husband,and go into some other countries which would give us our rights.By day we would travel in the same carriage,by night sleep under the same roof.But do not think,my noble Adele,that I would have taken advantage of so much happiness.Is it not true that you would never have done me the dishonor of thinking so?You would have been the object most worthy of respect,the being most respected,by your Victor;you might on the journey have even slept in the same chamber without fearing that he would have alarmed you by a touch,or even have looked at you.Only I should have slept,or watched wakefully in a chair,or lay on the floor beside your bed,the guardian of your repose,the protector of your slumbers.The right to defend and to watch over you would have been the only one of a husband's rights that your slave would have aspired to,until a priest had given him all the others……
Adele,oh!Do not hate me,do not despise me for having been so weak and abject when you were so strong and so sublime.Think of my bereavement,of my loneliness,of what I expected from my father;think that for a week I had looked forward to losing you,and do not be astonished at the extravagance of my despair.You—a young girl—were admirable.And indeed,I feel as if it would be flattering an angel to compare such a being to you.You have been privileged to receive every gift from nature;you have both fortitude and tears.Oh,Adele,do not mistake these words for blind enthusiasm-enthusiasm for you has lasted all my life,and increased day by day.My whole soul is yours.If my entire existence had not been yours,the harmony of my being would have been lost,and I must have died—died inevitably.
These were my meditations,Adele,when the letter that was to bring me hope or else despair arrived.If you love me,you know what must have been my joy.What I know you may have felt,I will not describe.
My Adele,why is there no word for this but joy?Is it because there is no power in human speech to express such happiness?
The sudden bound from mournful resignation to infinite felicity seemed to upset me.Even now I am still beside myself and sometimes I tremble lest I should suddenly awaken from this dream divine.
Oh,now you are mine!At last you are mine!Soon—in a few months,perhaps,my angel will sleep in my arms,will awaken in my arms,will live there.All your thoughts at all moments,all your looks will be for me;all my thoughts,all my moments,all my looks,will be for you!My Adele!
And now you will belong to me!Now I am called on earth to enjoy celestial felicity.I see you as my young wife,then a young mother,but always the same,always my Adele,as tender,as adored in the chastity of married life as in the virgin days of your first love—Dear love,answer me—tell me if you can conceive the happiness of love immortal in an eternal union!And that will be ours some day……
My Adele,no obstacle will now discourage me,either in my writing or in my attempt to gain a pension,for every step I take to attain success in both will bring me nearer to you.How could anything now seem painful to me?Do not think so ill of me as to believe that,I implore you.What is a little toil,if it conquers so much happiness?Have I not a thousand times implored heaven to let me purchase it at the price of my blood?Oh!How happy I am!How happy I am going to be!
Adieu,my angel,my beloved Adele!Adieu!I will kiss your hair and go to bed.Still I am far from you,but I can dream of you.Soon perhaps you will be at my side.Adieu,pardon the delirium of your husband who embraces you,and who adores you,both for this life and another.
例 My younger brother read the story but did not comprehend its meaning.
例 He insisted on being provided instantly with a place of refuge,and means of repose.
例 Robin and Nash began to show symptoms of delirium.
例 I should hate and despise myself if I desert the brave warrior in his present extremity.
例 Paul sent a dozen roses to his betrothed.
例 He is almost abject in his respect for his father.
例 Bob raised his two hands to heaven with an expression of resignation and sublime gratitude.
例 When Maria died Andy did not share her brother’s sense of bereavement.
例 The long sufferings have only made him a nation of fortitude and perseverance.
例 Lolita is my superior in all the charm and all the felicity it gives.
例 The prince has renounced his divine nature and origins.
例 Gravity governs the motions of celestial bodies.
①After the two delightful evenings spent yesterday and the day before,I shall certainly not go out tonight,but will sit here at home and write to you.
例 It was raining outside that morning,so he did not go jogging,but go swimming.
②I thought that if pushed to the last extremity by the letter from my father,I might realize a little money,and then carry you away.
这个句子中的“if pushed to the……”是条件状语从句,其中省略了“I were”。“if”引导的条件状语从句中如果主语与主句主语相同,动词为be动词,则可省略从句中的主语和be动词。
例 If admitted into Peking University,I will have the chance to meet excellent people.
③And indeed,I feel as if it would be flattering an angel to compare such a being to you.
这个句子中“as if”引导一个表语从句,其中用“would+动词原形”表示虚拟语气,与将来事实相反。除“would”外,还可用“could/might+动词原形”,表示虚拟。
例 He talks as if he could win the girl’s heart back.
1.Love is a vine that grows into our hearts.
2.If I had a single flower for every time I think about you,I could
walk forever in my garden.
3.It is impossible to love and to be wise.—Francis Bacon
4.A friend is a present which you give yourself.—R.L.Stevenson
5.The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved.—Victor Hugo
6.Born not to hold the chains,but to spread its wings.—Victor Hugo
7.It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.—The Little Pince
8.Love,is not finding a perfect person,but by learning the perfect vision,appreciate that imperfect person.—Howl's Moving Castle