CHAPTER 2 交通工具
1 乘飞机
Stewardess,can you direct me to my seat?
Do you mind changing your seat with me?
May I put my overcoat up there in the overhead compartment?
What is the time difference between Beijing and Vancouver?
May I have a magazine or a newspaper,please?
May I have a sick bag?
Will dinner be served on the plane?
A Coke would be nice.
A:Stewardess,can you direct me to my seat?服务员,你能把我的座位指给我吗?
B:Certainly.May I see your boarding pass①,please?当然能,我可以看看您的登机牌吗?
延伸 Where is 51-F?51-F在哪儿?
Go straight to the back,sir.一直走到后面,先生。
Excuse me,miss.Would you please direct me to my seat?对不起,小姐。请问您能帮我找一下座位吗?
Hello.Can you show me where my seat is?嗨,你能告诉我我的座位在哪儿吗?
调换座位A:Do you mind changing your seat with me?您介意和我换一下座位吗?B:Not at all. 当然不介意。
延伸 May I take this seat?我可以坐这个位子吗?
May I move to the non-smoking area② for a while?我可以暂时移到非吸烟区吗?
I wonder if I could change my seat to the front.我想知道我能不能把座位换到前面。
A:May I put my overcoat up there in the overhead compartment?我可以把大衣放进上面的置物箱吗?
B:Yes, but be sure to take it with you when leaving the aircraft.可以,但下机时请不要忘记带走。
延伸 I would like a blanket③.我想要一条毯子。
Would you like an earphone④ for the movie and music?要不要看电影和听音乐的耳机?
I am a little tired. I want to take a nap later. Could you bring me a pillow?我有点累,待会儿想小睡一下。能帮我拿个枕头吗?
Sure.I’ll bring it to you in a moment.当然,我等一下就拿给您。
场景词汇 ① boarding pass 登机牌 ② non-smoking area 非吸烟区③ blanket 毯子 ④ earphone 耳机
A:What is the time difference between Beijing and Vancouver?北京和温哥华的时差是多少?
B:16 hours. Vancouver is 16 hours behind.16个小时,温哥华晚16个小时。
延伸 Do you have any idea what time it is in Rome now?你知道罗马现在是几点吗?
It’s about eight o’clock in the morning.大约是早晨8点。
What’s the local time① in New York?纽约当地时间是几点?
It’s twelve hours behind us. 纽约比我们这里晚12个小时。
A:May I have a magazine or a newspaper,please?请给我一份杂志或报纸,好吗?
B:What kind of magazines would you like? Fashion or sports?您要哪一类杂志,时尚的还是体育的?
延伸 May I have a magazine or something?可以拿给我一本杂志或别的什么吗?
Certainly. Just a moment.I’ll be right back with one.没问题。请等一等。我马上带一本来。
Could you bring me a copy of the latest Wall Street Journal?您能不能给我一份最新的《华尔街日报》?
Yes, I’ll see if we have.好,我看看我们有没有。
A:May I have a sick bag?可以给我一个呕吐袋吗?
B:You can find an airsickness bag② in the seat pocket in front of you if you need one.如果您需要的话,您前面的座背袋里有呕吐袋。
延伸 I feel like vomiting③.我想吐。
I am probably a little airsick.Some pills might be helpful.我可能有点儿晕机了。吃点儿药可能有所帮助。
场景词汇 ① local time 当地时间 ② airsickness bag 呕吐袋③ vomit 呕吐
OK.I’ll bring them.By the way,dinner will be served in 20 minutes.Do you want to save it for later?好的,我会把药给您送来。顺便提醒您,再过20分钟就要供应晚餐了。您希望晚一点儿再用餐吗?
Stewardess,I do not feel well.Please bring me some medicine for airsickness.空姐,我有些不舒服,请给我拿一些晕机药。
A:Will dinner be served on the plane?本班机供应晚餐吗?
B:Yes,sir.I’ll bring you a menu shortly after we take off.是的,先生。起飞后,我就拿菜单给您看。
延伸 You may choose curry chicken with noodles or beef stew with rice.您可以选择咖喱鸡肉面或是炖牛肉饭。
Have you prepared any food for vegetarians①?你们备有素食吗?
You have to request the vegetarian food when making reservations.您在订机位时必须同时订素食。
Please wake me up for dinner.吃晚餐的时候请叫醒我。
When is lunch served on the plane?飞机上什么时候提供午餐?
A:We have orange juice,Seven Up,Coke and Pepsi,and also mineral water.我们有橙汁、七喜、可口可乐和百事可乐,还有矿泉水。
B:A Coke would be nice.Thank you.一杯可口可乐就行了。谢谢。
延伸 Would you like something to drink in advance②?想在饭前先喝点儿饮料吗?
Thank you.You are very thoughtful.I think I could have some apple juice right now.谢谢,你真体贴。我想我可以来点儿苹果汁。
Do you have grapefruit juice?请问有葡萄柚汁吗?
I’m sorry,but we only have orange juice.抱歉,我们只有橙汁。
① vegetarian 素食主义者 ② in advance 提前