Ⅳ. Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese.
Who decides what a law really means? A lawyer would say, almost automatically:the courts. In a difficult case, it is true, courts have the last word in deciding the meaning 30 of a law. When Congress enacted Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, did the legislators mean only to get rid of discrimination against black people and other minorities, or was it their plan to sweep the law clean of any race discrimination, however“benign”? Could a white person claim the protection of the civil rights laws?The background was ambiguous; and the words of the statute were no help in the toughest cases. The Supreme Court had to decide, in the end, what to do about“reverse discrimination. ”In one notable case, for example, United Steelworkers v. Weber,443 U.S.193(1979), the court confronted the issue head-on. The union had entered into a collective bargain with Kaiser Aluminum to reserve for black half of all new openings in craft-training programs. A white worker complained. In a split decision, the Court upheld the plan and ruled that the Civil Rights Act did not forbid this arrangement.
In a real sense, courts make law in many cases because they are the ones that interpret the laws. Without authoritative interpretation, many laws lack meaning. Still, this point can distort our picture of legal process. Of the hundreds of laws and amendments to laws that pour out of legislative chambers every year, only a tiny (though important)minority ever goes to court for interpretation. The rest are interpreted by other people. Everybody who handles the law in any way interprets the law, whether he knows it or not. Lawyers play a key role in this process.