Day 23
Sandro listened to me with ironical attention,always ready to deflate me with a couple of civil and terse words when I trespassed into rhetoric.He took an interest in my education and made it clear to me that it had gaps.I might even be right:it might be that Matter is our teacher;but he had another form of matter to lead me to,another teacher:not the powders of the Analytical Lab but the true,authentic,timeless,primary matter:the rocks and ice of the nearby mountains.He proved to me without too much difficulty that I didn't have the proper credentials to talk about matter.
——SAT 2009年5月题,Section 7
1.第一个句子中,“when I trespassed into rhetoric”是由“when”引导的时间状语从句,“when”从句的谓语动词可以在主句谓语动作之前、之后或同时发生。
2.第三个句子中,“that Matter is our teacher是由“that”引导的表语从句;“another teacher”是“another form of matter”的同位语,解释说明“another form of matter”是什么。
3.“He proved to me without too much difficulty that I didn't have the proper credentials to talk about matter”这句话中,“without too much difficulty”为介词短语作状语,“that I didn't have the proper credentials to talk about matter”是由“that”引导的宾语从句,作“proved”的宾语。

We began studying chemistry together,and Sandro was surprised when I tried to explain to him some of the ideas that at the time I was cultivating.That the nobility of Humankind,acquired in a hundred centuries of trial and error,lay in making ourselves the conqueror of matter,and that I had enrolled in chemistry because I wanted to remain faithful to this nobility.That conquering matter is understanding it,and understanding matter is necessary to understand the universe and ourselves;and that therefore the periodic table of elements,which just during those weeks we were laboriously learning to unravel,was poetry,loftier and more solemn than all the poetry we had swallowed down in high school.That if one looked for the bridge,the missing link between the world of words and the world of things,one did not have to look far:it was there,in our textbook,in our smoke-filled labs,and in our future trade.
Sandro listened to me with ironical attention,always ready to deflate me with a couple of civil and terse words when I trespassed into rhetoric.He took an interest in my education and made it clear to me that it had gaps.I might even be right:it might be that Matter is our teacher;but he had another form of matter to lead me to,another teacher:not the powders of the Analytical Lab but the true,authentic,timeless,primary matter:the rocks and ice of the nearby mountains.He proved to me without too much difficulty that I didn't have the proper credentials to talk about matter.What commerce had I had,until then,with Empedocles four elements?* Did you know how to light a stove?Wade across a torrent?Was I familiar with a storm high up in the mountains?The sprouting of seeds?NO,so he too had something vital to teach me.
*According to Empedocles,an ancient Greek philosopher,statesman,poet,and physiologist,matter was composed of four essential ingredients:fire,air,water,and earth.
Which statement best describes the way Sandro reacted to the author's ideas?
(A)He saw them as a challenge to his own beliefs.
(B)He was awed by the author's intelligence.
(C)He thought the author was overly rigid in his beliefs.
(D)He felt the author lacked knowledge of much that was important in life.
(E)He shared the author's assumptions and respected his methods.