Nurse: How are you feeling?
护士: 你感到怎样?
Patient: Not very well. I have a headache. Severe dizziness,ringing noise in my ears,sleeplessness and poor memory. And,when I walk too fast,I get short of breath.
病人: 我觉得不太舒服。我头疼、头晕得厉害,耳鸣,失眠和记忆力差,而且走路急时就气喘。
Nurse: How long have you suffered from all these?
护士: 你有这些不适多久了?
Patient: Maybe eight years as far as I can remember. At first,I didn’t pay any attention to them. Then,when my headache got worse,I went to see a doctor. He told me I had hypertension.
病人: 我记得大约有8年了。开始我没注意,以后当头疼加重时,我就去看病。医生说我有高血压。
Nurse: Let me take your blood pressure.
护士: 让我给你量量血压。
(After taking blood pressure)
Nurse: It is a little high. Is there any member in your family who also suffers from hypertension?
护士: 有点高。你家里还有人患高血压吗?
Patient: Yes. My father has it. My grandfather died of apoplexy ten years ago,probably also due to hypertension.
病人: 有的。我父亲也有高血压。我祖父10年前死于中风,可能也是高血压引起的。
Nurse: What kind of treatment have you had?
护士: 你过去采取过什么治疗?
Patient: I have been given some antihypertensive drugs. They lowered my blood pressure somewhat; but it would go up again whenever I felt tired or worried.
病人: 我曾用过降压药。使用后我的血压降低了一点,但是在疲劳或烦恼后,却又高了起来。
Nurse: It is very clear that you must rest more and stop worrying. You should follow a lowsalt diet and eat lots of vegetables and fruit,but little meat. Do you smoke?
护士: 这很清楚,你应该好好休息,不要烦恼。必须吃低盐食物,多吃蔬菜和水果,少吃肉。你吸烟吗?
Patient: Yes. But I’m smoking much less now.
病人: 吸的,但现在吸得不多了。
Nurse: How many cigarettes do you smoke every day?
护士: 你现在每天吸多少支香烟?
Patient: About ten.
病人: 大约10支。
Nurse: Do you drink?
护士: 你喝酒吗?
Patient: Yes. I usually drink wine at super.
病人: 噢,我通常在晚饭时喝。
Nurse: My advice to you is to keep off wine and give up smoking.
护士: 我劝你戒酒、戒烟。
Patient: It is difficult for me to give them up. But,I will try my best. Thank you for your advice.
病人: 戒烟酒对我来讲是困难的。但是,我一定尽最大努力去做。谢谢你的忠告。
Nurse: I’m glad to have been of help to you. Good-bye.
护士: 我很高兴能帮助你。再见。
Nurse: How can I help you,sir?
护士: 有什么需要帮忙的吗,先生?
Patient: I have a terrible headache.
病人: 我头痛得厉害。
Nurse: When did it begin?
护士: 什么时间开始的?
Patient: About a week ago.
病人: 大约一周前。
Nurse: Does it help you if take aspirin?
护士: 吃阿司匹林管用吗?
Patient: No. They just seem to go away by themselves.
病人: 不管用。疼痛好像是自然缓解的。
Nurse: Have you ever had this kind of headache before?
护士: 您以前有过这样的头痛吗?
Patient: I have headaches off and on last few years,but none as bad as this.
病人: 近几年我经常有断断续续的头痛,但从来没有像这次这么厉害。
Nurse: Have you seen a doctor before? Did he say anything about it?
护士: 您以前看过医生吗?医生说过什么没有?
Patient: Three years ago,I went to the local hospital for a swimming certifcate. They told me that I had hypertension.
病人: 3年前我去当地医院做游泳检查,医生说我患有高血压。
Nurse: Have you ever had swollen ankles?
护士: 您的脚踝肿胀过吗?
Patient: Not that I can remember.
病人: 我记不得了。
Nurse: What kind of treatment did have in the past?
护士: 您以前曾做过什么治疗吗?
Patient: I took“hydrochlorothiazide”occasionally.
病人: 我有时候用“氢氯噻嗪”。
Nurse: Let me take your blood pressure.
护士: 我给您量一下血压。
Patient: OK.
病人: 好的。
Nurse: It’s one hundred and eighty over one hundred and ten mmHg. That’s moderately high.You may need to have a urinalysis,blood urea nitrogen test,and chest x-ray and electrocardiogram examination.
护士: 您的血压是180/110mmHg,中度偏高。您可能需要做尿检、血尿素氮化验,还要做胸部X线检查和心电图检查。
Patient: Is it serious?
病人: 我的病严重吗?
Nurse: You should take the medicine,have a good rest,avoid nervous tension or stress,and give up smoking and alcohol. Come back again next week for the results and another check of your blood pressure.
护士: 你一定要服药了,好好休息,避免精神紧张或思想负担,并要戒烟和戒酒。一周后来复诊,看化验结果和复查血压。
Patient: All right. Thank you.
病人: 好的,谢谢您。