B.S.=波林根系列丛书(Bollingen Series)。New York and Princeton.
CW=《荣格作品全集》(The Collected Works of C.G.Jung)。Edited by Gerhard Adler,Michael Fordham,and Herbert Read;William McGuire,Executive Editor;translated by R.F.C.Hull.New York and Princeton(Bollingen Series XX)and London,1953-1983.21 vols.
Dream Analysis=《C.G.荣格在1928~1930年梦的讲座笔记》(Notes of the Seminar Given in 1928-1930 by C.G.Jung)。Edited by William McGuire.Princeton(Bollingen Series XCIX:1)and London,1984.
Freud/Jung=《弗洛伊德与荣格通信集》(The Freud/Jung Letters)。Edited by William McGuire;translated by Ralph Manheim and R.F.C.Hull.Princeton(Bollingen Series XCIV)and London,1974.New edition,Cambridge,Massachusetts,1988.
Jung:Letters=《C.G.荣格通信集》(C.G.Jung:Letters)。Selected and edited by Gerhard Adler in collaboration with Aniela Jaffé;translations by R.F.C.Hull.Princeton(Bollingen Series XCV)and London,1973,1975.2 vols.
Jung:Word and Image=《C.G.荣格:文字与意象》(C.G.Jung:Word and Image)。Edited by Aniela Jaffé;translated by Krishna Winston.Princeton(Bollingen Series XCVII:2)and London,1979.
Jung Speaking=《C.G.荣格演讲集:采访与邂逅》(C.G.Jung Speaking:Interviews and Encounters)。Edited by William McGuire and R.F.C.Hull.Princeton(Bollingen Series XCVII)and London(abridged),1977.
Liber Novus=《红书》(The Red Book,Liber Novus)。Edited and introduced by Sonu Shamdasani,translated by Mark Kyburz,John Peck,and Sonu Shamdasani.New York(Philemon Series),W.W.Norton,2009.
MDR=《回忆·梦·思考》(Memories,Dreams,Reflections by C.G.Jung)。Recorded and edited by Aniela Jaffe;translated by Richard and Clara Winston.New York and London,1963.(The editions are differently paginated;double page references are given,first to the New York edition.)
SE=《西格蒙德·弗洛伊德标准版心理学著作全集》(The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud)。Translated under the general editorship of James Strachey,in collaboration with Anna Freud,assisted by Alix Strachey and Alan Tyson.London and New York,1953-1974.24 vols.
Spring=《斯普林:原型心理学与荣格思想年刊》(Spring:An Annual of Archetypal Psychology and Jungian Thought)。New York and Zurich;now Dallas.
Types=《心理类型》(Psychological Types)。CW 6(1971).
Zarathustra=《尼采的〈查拉图斯特拉如是说〉:C.G.荣格在1934~1939年的讲座笔记》(Nietzsche's“Zarathustra.”Notes of the Seminar Given in 1934-1939 by C.G.Jung)。Edited by James L.Jarrett.Princeton(Bollingen Series XCIX:2)and London,1988.2 vols.