(11)形容词与副词(Adjectives and Adverbs)
1. 副词不一定以 -ly 为语尾,如 fast、near、hard、long、much、ill、little 等,“形”“副”同形。
2. 形容词有以 -ly 为语尾者,如 friendly、manly、cowardly,此类形容词不能加 -ly 为副词,须用副词短语的方式如 in a manly way。
A. 改正下列句中之错误(形容词或副词):
1. He writes excellent:no one in the class can write as neat and clear as he does.
2. There is no fear:he will do it easy,even if you can’t.
3. She walks very feeble after that long illness.
4. The man who said that will pay for it dear.
5. He reads rather indistinct,and requires practice.
6. He will help you considerable,if you ask him.
7. They came to school very regular all last week.
8. He treated us all free and fair,so we can’t complain.
9. The battle raged fierce from morning till evening.
10. That was noble spoken;it pleased me to hear it.
11. They were all marvellous angry on hearing this.
12. He did it quite accidental;for he was more than half asleep.
13. I will act agreeable to your wishes in all things.
14. He spoke very intelligent;we all understood him.
15. He treated us handsome,and we ought to feel gratified.
16. I am sure he did not upset the chair intentional.
B. 将括号内错误的词划去:
1. The medicine tasted(bad,badly).
2. You will feel(safe,safely)with him.
3. He felt(quick,quickly)in his pockets for the money.
4. He feels(strong,strongly)about that question.
5. He feels(strong,strongly)again after his illness.
6. John looked(uneasy,uneasily)standing before the class.
7. Mary kept looking(uneasy,uneasily)at the teacher.
8. The air certainly smells(fresh,freshly)this morning.
9. This cake tastes too(sweet,sweetly)for me.
10. A stranger appeared(sudden,suddenly)at the door.
11. I felt(awkward,awkwardly)standing there before everyone.
12. The man felt(awkward,awkwardly)in his pockets for the keys.
13. The man looked very(suspicious,suspiciously)to me.
14. The policeman also looked at him(suspicious,suspiciously).
15. The flower smells(sweet,sweetly).
16. John looks(bad,badly)after his illness.
17. This cream tastes(sour,sourly)to me.
18. Look(careful,carefully)at the picture,and you will understand what I mean.
C. 将括号内的词用为形容词或副词填于空白处:
1. The dog was quite____(friendly).
2. He did the exercise very____(thorough).
3. He could do it more____(easy)if he wanted.
4. He is a very____(fast)worker.
5. John worked very____(hard)this semester.
6. John did the work very____(fast).
7. He will remain in his country____(temporary).
8. Come____(quick). We need your help.
9. George appears to be a very____(systematic)worker.
10. You should work more____(systematic)if you wish results.