School of Civil Engineering,Beijing Jiaotong University,Beijing 100044
Abstract:The development of urban rail transit is closely related to land use change.In the downtown,the interactive relationship of transportation and land use is mainly embodied in the impact that traffic sites put on the form of the surrounding land.This paper aims to provide theoretical foundation and discriminant basis to promote the harmonious development of rail transit sites and land use through the research on land use change around urban rail transit stations.Focusing on a case study of Suzhuang subway station in Beijing,dividing the land surround the station into two different range of 500 m and 800 m area,the properties and intensity of land use change with the site distance from 2005 to 2015 is learnt with the help of object-oriented remote sensing image classification method and the GIS spatial analysis.Finally,the influence rule of urban rail transit sites on the surrounding land use is summarized,which would lay a good foundation to promote the reasonable layout of urban space.
Keywords:urban rail transit,land use,land use intensity,plot ratio,traffic zone
1 Introduction
In recent years,the rapid development of city has brought heavy traffic and environment deteriorating.As one of the most effective methods to alleviate the pressure of the big city/urban public transport,urban rail transit has risen to the level of promoting urban economic and social sustainable development.Compared to traditional public transport,rail transit has the obvious advantages in the speed,time accuracy,capacity,energy consumption and safety,which both provide convenient travel and guide the urban spatial expansion reasonably,breaking through the traditional single center city space structure,driving the organic diffusion of housing and employment[1].
There is an interaction between transportation and urban land form.On one hand,means of transportation guide the development of the urban land use pattern to a large extent;on the other hand,the specific transportation also relies on certain forms of land use.Traffic construction experience abroad has shown that the influence of rail transit on urban spatial structure is mainly reflected in its site area.Traffic sites can not only improve the accessibility of the surrounding area,but also can improve the local geographical conditions and land development intensity,and location advantages can bring more traffic to traffic sites in return.
Lots of effort has been made to achieve the sustainable development of transportation and city,the integrated development model of urban public transportation and land development has been widely acclaimed[2].The comprehensive development of urban rail transit and land use helps to achieve the benign interaction between the modern urban rail transit and the commercialization of land development,which is the effective way of urban rail transit construction and the fundamental way to solve the problem of city traffic as well.To play a larger role in driving the economic and social development,mastering the changing rule of the land use around rail transit site is a necessary premise.
Related research home and abroad mainly focused on in the development of rail transportation land[3]and land policy[4],the influence of rail transit on urban space form[5,6]and the interaction relationships between rail transit and land use[7],etc.In addition,in order to realize the coordinated development and the optimal use of urban rail transit,land use and other resources,some scholars put forward the thinking of integration development of urban rail transit and land use[8,9],but quantitative research about the influence of urban rail transit on land use dynamic change is relatively few.
Beijing is not only one of the highest urbanized cities,but also the earliest city to complete a metro line in China,and is still making good efforts to build urban rail systems.This paper takes the starting station of Fangshan metro line as the research object,studying the change rule of land use round the site,in order to improve land revenue,optimize land use pattern,and provide decision support to realize the sustainable use of land resources.At the same time,it is also of certain reference value for the other related research of land development.
2 General Situation in Study Area
2.1 Fangshan Metro Line
Fangshan Metro Line is an important backbone line in Beijing rail transit network,begins at the intersection of Changhong West Road and Suzhuang Avenue,along Changhong West Road to east,across over the Beijing-Guangzhou railway,extending towards the east to the Changyu Road and turning to the north,to the Jingliang Highway turning to the east,to Changyang Road turning to the north,to Daotian turning to the east and going across the Yongding River,extending along the Baotai Road,turning to the north at Wanshou Road,Wanshou Road a south to north,connects with subway line M9 at Guogongzhuang Station.The length of Fangshan line is 24.79 km(see Figure 1),including 21.45 km of the elevated line,2.79 km of underground line and 0.55 km of the transition period.There are 11 stations in total line,including 9 elevated stations and 2 underground stations.

Figure 1 Sketch of Fangshan Line
2.2 Land Use Profile around Suzhuang Station
Suzhuang Station,the terminal of Beijing metro Fangshan line,located at the intersection of Changhong West Road and Suzhuang Avenue,opened on December 30,2010.The site is the high structure side type platform and lays in the east-west direction.Suzhuang Station is in the center of Liangxinag development zone,plying an important role in connecting west Liangxiang and Yanfang Zone.As a result,traffic and passenger flow are both intensive,the surrounding residential,commercial,industrial land use intensity is greater than the average level in this region,but a long distance far from the land development density in the downtown.
3 Data and Method
3.1 Data source
High spatial resolution satellite image and mature remote sensing image classification methods is the prerequisite of our research.This article uses the raw data of Quick Bird and World-View 2 satellite images with a spatial resolution of 0.6 m,of which Quick Bird image data for the year of 2005 and World-View 2image for 2015.
According to the reasonable research scope recommended in TOD mode is 500 m based on academic practice,then combined with the particular circumstances of the study area,so we use 500 m and 800 m as the radius to draw circles respectively around Suzhuang station,which would be the scope of the study.
3.2 Research method
According to the classification scheme of urban land in our country,the research selectssix kinds of representative urban land use types:residential land,administrative land,commercial land,educational land,industrial land and openspace.Representing land development intensitywith the area and plot ratio.
First,use object-oriented remote sensing image classification method to pick up the various artificial construction from origin images into vector map layers,facilitating the next step of warehousing properties.Then figure out the floors,usage and other attribute information of each building by field survey,and put the information into the GIS spatial database comparing against the extraction results one by one.At this point,the land use information extraction has been completed.Then divide the area into several traffic zones,traffic zone is a collection of nodes or connecting lines with certain traffic correlation and traffic similarity,and then calculate plot ratios of each type of land use based on traffic zones.Make 500 m and 800 m buffers around the station with the GIS spatial analysis tools,from which we can obtain the land use situation in certain buffer zones.Then use the GIS spatial statistic function to calculate the area and plot ratio of various land use types in different scopes.
4 Result and Analysis
According to the methods mentioned above,we get the land use thematic map in different scopes around the station from remote sensing image interpretation and field investigation(see Figure 2).We can see that the land use situation has changed significantly before and after the opening of the subway station intuitively from the table,and the change extents are different in different scopes(500 m and 800 m).

Figure 2 Land use thematic map in different scopes around station
According to Table 1 we learn the land use structure dynamics in different scopes around Suzhuang Station.In the 500-meter-scope,educational land,open space and other land types(including green land,road,square and municipal facilities)are the main land form,accounted for 20.53%,27.67% and 20.53%respectively in 2005.Educational land did not change during this decade,and the other two main land’s proportion change into 28.72% and 31.39%.Residential land proportion increased from 6.07% to 7.96%,administrative land increased from 0.36% to 0.85%,commercial land and industrial land are also increased.Setting the research range to 800 m,educational land is still stable,which is associated with the relevant strict state regulations on education land;Open space reduces sharply,plummeting from 21.95% to 13.81%,because the ongoing development activities in this area has converted open space into other land use types with more economic benefit;Other land use types have witnessed steady growth similar to those of 500-meter scope.Besides,with the enlargement of the radius,the proportion of those with higher development intensity such as commercial land,educational land has a downward trend.On the contrary,residential land whose development intensity is lower has a rising trend.With the distance to the site increasing,land development intensity decline gradually on the whole.But one fact should be noted that open space which hasn’t been exploited within 500 m didn’t reduce over time.The anomaly shows there are still lots of room to develop for the region.
Table 1 Land use structure in different radius around Suzhuang Station

Plot ratio(volume rate)is an important land development intensity index,equaling to the ratio of total building area and land area.Under the condition of reasonable spatial environment,the greater the plot ratio is,the higher the development intensity and the land utilization ratio are;On the contrary,the smaller the plot ratio is,the lower the development intensity and land utilization ratio is.
Comparing Table 2 to Table 3 it can be seen that land area and plot ratio of residential land,administrative land and commercial land have increased,showing the land development intensity within the scope of 500 m around the station is increased over time;The consistent conclusion can also be found when comparing Table 4 and Table 5.From Table 2 and Table 4or Table 3 and Table 5,we can see that the plot ratio of commercial land whose development intensity is high has dropped as the radius of expanding and the distance to the station increasing,verifying the negative correlation between development intensity and the distance to the site once again;Whereas,the plot ratio of industrial land whose development intensity is on the rise,showing that there is room to optimize and upgrade for industrial land near the station.
Table 2 Land use statistics within a radius of 500-meter around Suzhuang Station in 2005

1)Total land area;2)Total built area.
Table 3 Land use statistics within a radius of 500-meter around Suzhuang Station in 2015

Table 4 Land use statistics within a radius of 800-meter around Suzhuang Station in 2005

Table 5 Land use statistics within a radius of 800-meter around Suzhuang Station in 2015

5 Conclusions
Through the case study of Suzhuang Station,the characteristics of the regional land are summarized below.Around the station,commercial exploitation has begun to take shape,but the land function hierarchy isn’t clear,lack of core business district.The development density and intensity is not enough within the 500-meter walking range,which is pretty far from high-density development and diversification of land use that the TOD mode advocated.The rule of land use change around the subway station is clear:in the same period,land development intensity gradually decreases as the radius of expanding and distance to the rail transit site increases.In the same area,land development intensity increased over time.The study provide a reference for construction and operation of urban rail transit to coordinate with land development near the station,laying a foundation for promoting the reasonable layout of urban space.
The authors wish to acknowledge the support and motivation provided by scientific fund of Beijing Jiaotong University.
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