示范对话 Model Dialogues
Dialogue 1
A: Good morning. Welcome to the Chengdu International Convention Center.
B: Good morning. I’m Mr. Smith from Massachusetts. I am here to attend the Sixth International Convention on Electronics Computer Technology.
A: I see. Have you got your invitation?
B: Yes, Here is my invitation.
A: Let me see. Ah, yes, I found your name on the list. Mr. Smith, professor from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is that right?
B: Yes. I feel honored to be able to join you in the convention and make a contribution.
A: It is our pleasure. Mr. Smith. Would you please fill in the registration form?
B: Sure. (a few minutes later) Here you are.
A: Thank you. Here is the meeting packet for you. Please carefully read the materials inside.
B: I will. How big a packet! Now, shall I pay the registration fee here?
A: Yes. 80 dollars, please.
B: Thank you. By the way, I’ve got some questions to ask you.
A: Yes, please.
B: Do you have a publication plan for the academic papers?
A: Yes, we do have a plan for the excellent academic papers.
B: How can I have my paper published here in China? And how shall I pay for it?
A: It’s free of charge. The convention organization committee will choose the best from all the papers delivered and pay for the publication.
B: That’s great. Thank you very much.
Word bank
convention [kən’venʃ(ə)n] n.大会;[法]惯例
electronics [ɪlek’trɒnɪks; el-] n.电子学;电子工业
technology [tek’nɒlədʒɪ] n.技术;工艺;术语
invitation [ɪnvɪ’teɪʃ(ə)n] n.邀请;引诱
institute [‘ɪnstɪtjuːt] v.开始(调查);制定n.学会,协会
registration [redʒɪ’streɪʃ(ə)n] n.登记;注册;挂号
material[mə’tɪərɪəl] adj.重要的;物质的n.材料,原料
academic [ækə’demɪk] adj.学术的;理论的;学院的
publication[pʌblɪ’keɪʃ(ə)n] n.出版;出版物;发表
1.I am here to participate in the Sixth International Convention on Electronics Computer Technology.
2.I feel honored to be able to join you in the convention and make a contribution.
3.Would you please fill in the registration form?
4.Do you have a publication plan for the academic papers?
5.How can I have my paper published here in China? And how shall I pay for it?
6.The convention organization committee will choose the best from all the papers delivered and pay for the publication.
Dialogue 2
Cindy(C)= staff Laura(L)=a foreign delegate
C: Hello, welcome to the conference! May I have your name, please?
L : Yes, my name is Laura Brown. I’ve made an online registration. Is it here for check-in?
C: Yes. Here’s the packet with your name badge, programs, abstract booklet, meal coupons and a convention memento in it.
L: Thanks! Where can I have supper this evening?
C: Oh, you may take part in the welcome reception at 5: 00 pm. And all the meal times and locations are on the coupons.
L: That’s great! By the way, I’m supposed to be a presenter in one of the breakout sessions. I’d like to know where my room is.
C: OK, please let me know your topic, and I will find it for you in the program book.
L: Ah yes! Maybe you can mark off my session on the program. Here it is, on the page 21, right?
C: Yes. It’s on the second floor, at the end of the corridor. You may find a conference guide to assist you there tomorrow.
L: But how can I try my PPT for the presentation? Can anyone help me?
C: Take it easy! You can find the technician at your session room this evening, and give it a rehearsal.
L: Super! Then who will chair the session? I’ve got to get in touch with him or her beforehand.
C: I think you can find your session master at the orientation session at 3: 00 this afternoon. The session is specially aimed to make you first-time attendees familiar with main arrangements of the meeting.
L: Thank you very much! Last question, when can I have the convention proceedings?
C: Oh, yes, that’s important. You will receive a CD of the proceedings three weeks after the meeting. Anything else I can help you?
L: Everything is clear so far. Thank you very much for your professional service. Bye bye!
Word bank
badge [bædʒ] n.徽章;证章;标记v.授给……徽章
program[‘prəʊgræm] n.程序;计划;大纲
abstract [‘æbstrækt] n.摘要;抽象adj.抽象的;深奥的
booklet [‘bʊklɪt] n.小册子
coupon [‘kuːpɒn] n.息票;赠券
memento [mɪ’mentəʊ] n.纪念品,引起回忆的东西
session [‘seʃ(ə)n] n.会议;(法庭的)开庭;学期;讲习会
technician[tek’nɪʃ(ə)n] n.技师,技术员;技巧纯熟的人
rehearsal [rɪ’hɜːs(ə)l] n.排演;预演;练习
orientation [,ɔːrɪən’teɪʃ(ə)n;,ɒr-] n.方向;定向;适应
proceeding [prəʊ’siːdɪŋ] n.进行;程序;事项v.开始;继续做;行进
1.I’ve made an online registration.
2.Here’s the packet with your name badge, programs, abstract booklet, meal coupons and a convention memento in it.
3.You can find the technician at your session room this evening, and give it a rehearsal.
4.The session is specially aimed to make you first-time attendees familiar with main arrangements of the meeting.
5.Last question, when can I have the convention proceedings?