Step 2: Add content
The template now looks OK, but the site's still empty. It's high time to actually populate it with some articles! In the previous chapter, you've already made one simple article that fit neatly into the Joomla! example site. However, when you create your own site you'll want to choose a more structured approach.
Create a foundation first: Make sections and categories
If you have some experience in designing static websites, you've probably created new pages in two steps. You start making a new HTML document—the page—and then added a link to that page, making sure your new content can be found.
In Joomla!, you have to take a little preparatory action. Before you make new pages, you create containers for your content. These containers are called sections (the top level) and categories (the second level). Categories hold articles. You have seen sections and categories in action in the sample site you explored in the previous chapter (and you've deleted them later on). We won't go into the specifics of organizing content just now, as we'll be exploring the ins and outs of sections and categories in the next chapter. For now, let's experiment a little and see how this thing works.
As you've got a tight deadline to meet, we'll follow the three content creation steps the quick and dirty way. For this basic site, one section split up into two categories will do.