Learning NAGIOS 3.0

Managing Services

Similar to host-related information and operations, Nagios has panels for working with services. This consists of several service and service group views, in addition to being able to view detailed information on each service and modify the parameters of the service.


The Nagios web interface offers a view of all defined services, their statuses, and basic information about the services. This information can be accessed by clicking on the Service Detail link on the left-side menu.

The following screenshot reports 19 services, all of which are currently working correctly:


The main part of the page is a table showing all services, along with their statuses and detailed information on the output from the checks carried out against these services.

Services are grouped by the hosts they are configured for, and they are sorted by service description. This is the default order by which the table is sorted. It is possible to sort the table according to your needs by clicking on the arrows in any column in the header of the table.

Above the table, there are total values for each host and service status. These totals can also be used to filter the service table to show only specific statuses or services for a host with a specific status.

The page also contains a quick menu that allows navigation to commonly-used views. This allows you to jump to the history and notification logs, as well as navigate to a list of all hosts along with their detailed statuses.

Clicking on any host will take you to a host information page for the selected object. Similarly, clicking on any service will show a detailed information page for that object.

Another interesting view is the summary of all of the services specified for each service group. The following is a screenshot of this page:


This page shows each Service Group, along with the count of all services for each status. The page contains a Service Status Summary, which is the summary of all of the services that are members of a specific service group. It also shows a Host Status Summary, which is the summary of all the hosts that have at least one service configured.

Clicking on any status summary column will show a list of all of the services in that group, along with detailed information about these sevices. Clicking on a service group will show an overview of the services split into individual hosts.

Service Information

Clicking on a service in any view of the web interface will take you to the service information page. This page contains details on the current service status, a list of comments, and a command panel that allows you to modify the service configuration, schedule checks, or send custom notifications.

The following is a screenshot of this page:

Service Information

The main table on the left shows the detailed information for the service—its current status, output from the checks carried out against the service, and detailed information on the last and next planned check. The page also shows whether the service is flapping along with the flapping, threshold, and when the last notification was sent out.

The menu on the right allows you to change whether checks should be performed, notifications and events should be done, and whether Nagios should obsess over this service. There is also an option to schedule when the next check is to be performed.

At the bottom of the page there is a Service Comments section that contains a table that shows all existing comments related to this service, similar to host information page. It is possible to add or delete a single comment or all comments related to this service, as you can with host comments.