This paper attempts to reconstruct Nietzsche's ethi cal thoughts based on “nature” and“virtue”.By laying Nietzsche's moral philosophy on “virtue” and“virtue”theory on“nature”.This paper tries to regard Nietzsche's natural philosophy as the basis of his moral philosophy.
First of all,this paper analyzes Nietzsche's critique of Rousseau and Darwin's theory of evolution,arguing that “returning to nature”doesn't mean going-back(züruck-gehn),but going-up(hinauf-kommen).Based on this view,Nietzsche formulated his moral naturalism.The core of Nietzsche's moral naturalism is the development and transcendence of life.The final product of the development is “Overman”(Übermensch).Nietzsche affirmed that the will to power is not only the will to live(to seek power and interests),but also the will to nature(to seek dissipation and profusion).
Secondly,based on etymology,this paper argues that the word(virtue)has three meanings: “moral quality”,“good behavior”and “power of nature”.But the meaning of “power of nature” has been separated from
(virtue)gradually by Socrates and Christianity.Consequently,the reason and the system of rules became the sole criterion for judging whether a person is virtuous or not.By criticizing Socratic moral rationalism,Nietzsche suggested that virtue should be related to remarkable power of nature.It is more concerned with instinct rather than reason or reflection.Natural power of life is related to happiness and luckiness(i.e.good and healthy growth).Happiness and luckiness is the premise of life,instead of the purpose of life.The purpose of life is the manifestation of virtue and power.
And then,this paper argues that the key of Nietzsche's Emotivism is the transformation of the emotion from passive to active.The word“passion(Leidenschaft)” also means the suffer of fate.Therefore,Nietzsche believed that passion is not only active,but also passive.Passion in terms of its activity is the will and in terms of its passivity is the emotion; “Indifference(Gleichgültigkeit)” could help the living creatures(human beings)to transcend the contradictory relationship between self-love and love your neighbors(love other people),lead people to return from external moral constraints to the inherent natural needs.Only in line with the inherent natural needs of life,love can be active,“being cruel” or “maintaining intellectual probity(intellektuelle Rechtschaffenheit)” is the emotional bias of recognition.The cruelty of recognition is not only the basis for the knowledge,but also the basis for the re-naturalization and transcendence of life.By emphasizing passion,indifference and cruelty,Nietzsche had explored a path that moves emotions from passive to active.
Moreover,By analyzing Heidegger's and Deleuze's interpretations,this paper argues that a research of Nietzsche's justice can not start with empty concepts(such as “will to power”and“eternal Recurrence”),but “the origin of justice”.After analyzing the origin of justice,this paper attempts to associate Nietzsche's justice with his theory of evolution(animal-human-overhuman),and further argues that Nietzsche's justice has different presentations in different stages of evolution.In Nietzsche's view,animal is in the cycle of change and is dominated by self-preservation.Therefore,the justice of animal is base on the struggle of life,and human is in the cycle of interests and is dominated by self-enhancement as well as self-preservation.The justice of man is base on the exchange of power,Overhuman overcomes the individuality and limitation of human.He is in the cycle of dissipation and is dominated by self-enhancement.The justice of Overman is a new type of natural justice which is base on the squandering of life.
Additionally,as is well-known,Nietzsche regarded himself as a“free spirit” and a “positive nihilist”.This paper insists that the purpose of “free spirit” is the transvaluation of values; the purpose of“positive nihilist” is the “self-overcoming of nihilism”.By advocating the transvaluation of values and the positive nihilism,Nietzsche laid the foundation for the future philosophy.
Besides,this paper analyzes Nietzsche's civil society theory.this paper argues that Nietzsche(unlike Hegel andMarx)does not pay attention to the distinction between civil society and the state,he would rather follow Aristotle,elucidate civil society as a politi cal community or an ethi cal community.Nietzsche believes that civil society is not a good society for two reasons: 1.Civil society is anti-natural and morbid.2.Civil society leads to mediocrity,it is a breeding ground for the fostering of “last man”.In civil society,the tyranny of the majority becomes normal.In the late works,Nietzsche affirms the aristocratic society and hierarchi cal system.It does not mean that he believes the aristocratic society is a good society.Instead,he argues that maybe the aristocratic society is not bad than the wave of democratization in the 19th century.At least,aristocratic society recognize the difference between people.In “Zarathustra”,Nietzsche focus on the flourishing of all.He believes that a good society should be based on the respect for individual difference and guarantee the flourishing of man.The flourishing of man is the premise of Overman.
Finally,this article explores the possibility of the natural foundation of ethics.This paper argues that “moral metaphysics” can not solve the initiative problem of ethi cal practice entirely,and the ethics of “ontology” can not solve the problem of ethi cal practice entirely,Nietzsche tries to find the natural foundation of ethics.But what is the“natural foundation” of ethics? and how to understand the relationship between “nature” and “morality”? how to distinguish Nietzsche's“natural” philosophy and the traditional metaphysics and theology?Nietzsche tended to regard nature as a complex system with eros and movement.At the same time,he regarded the will to power as the eros of nature,and the eternal recurrence the movement of Nature.Due to the eternal recurrence,nature must be natural history; and due to the will to power,natural history must be evolutionary history.Based on the above analysis,this paper insists that the core of ethics is not the foundation,but the kind of ethi cal habits we need to develop,or the kind of ethi cal practice we should do.
“Nature” and“virtue” are the dual core of Nietzsche's ethi cal thoughts.Beyond all doubts,Nietzsche's natural philosophy and virtue ethics not only provide resources for the reflection on the contemporary rational optimism and scientific optimism,but also provide resources for the contemporary moral construction.
Keywords:Nietzsche,Nature,Ethi cal naturalism,Naturalism
Classification Code:B028