Useful resources
The best way to know the status of Python is to stay informed about what's new and to constantly read Python-related resources. The web is full of such resources. The most important and obvious ones were already mentioned earlier, but here they are repeated to keep this list consistent:
- Python documentation
- Python Package Index (PyPI)
- PEP 0 – Index of Python Enhancement Proposals (PEPs)
The other resources, such as books and tutorials, are useful, but often get outdated very fast. What does not get outdated are the resources that are actively curated by the community or released periodically. The few that are worth recommending are as follows:
- Awesome Python (https://github.com/vinta/awesome-python) includes a curated list of popular packages and frameworks.
- r/Python (https://www.reddit.com/r/Python/) is a Python subreddit where you can find news and interesting questions about Python posted by many members of Python community every day.
- Python Weekly (http://www.pythonweekly.com/) is a popular newsletter that delivers to its subscriber's dozens of new interesting Python packages and resources every week.
- Pycoder's Weekly (https://pycoders.com) is another popular weekly newsletter with a digest of new packages and interesting articles. Due to its nature, the content of that newsletter often overlaps with Python Weekly, but sometimes you can find something unique that hasn't been posted elsewhere.
These resources will provide you with tons of additional reading for countless hours.