The distractions of technology
With the Internet, it is easy to just check on one thing. The issue of social media and digital entertainment can truly become a crippling factor to productivity. In a recent survey of Britain's 34 million-person workforce, 6% spend more than 1 hour on social media while at work, translating to $22.16 billion in lost annual revenue**. The distractions of technology, such as Facebook, Twitter, and other social media networks, and iTunes, YouTube, and general digital entertainment kills productivity. Social and digital media at work causes countless interruptions during the day and results in operational inefficiencies and lost revenue.
Your answer may be to block certain apps and sites, but the truth is that technology distractions continue on with mobile phones and other mobile devices. At least if you allow the site on user terminals, your organization can monitor the amount of time spent on these sites and the best method to address this issue.