How to configure the interface you capture data from
- To configure the interface you capture data from, choose Options from the Capture menu. The following window will appear:

In this window you can configure the following parameters:
- On the upper side of the window, on the main window, choose the interface on which you want to capture the data from. If no additional configuration is required, click on Start to start the capture.
- On the lower-left side, you have the checkbox Use promiscuous mode on all interfaces. When checked, Wireshark will capture all the packets that the computer receives. Unchecking it will capture only packets intended for the computer.
In some cases, when this checkbox is checked, Wireshark will not capture data in the wireless interface, so if you start capturing data on the wireless interface and see nothing, uncheck it.
- In the middle of the screen, right below the interfaces window, you can configure the capture filter. We will learn capture filters in Chapter 3, Using Capture Filters.
On top of the window, we have three tabs: Input (opens by default), Output, and Options.