Pending articles
Pending articles is a functionality that's going to be a lot more helpful to people working with multi-author blogs, rather than single-author blogs. In a bigger publishing structure, there are individuals responsible for different areas of the publishing process. WordPress, being a quality tool, supports such a structure by providing a way to save articles as Pending Review. In an editor-author relationship, if an editor sees a post marked as Pending Review, they know that they should have a look at it and prepare it for publication.
That's it for the theory, and now how to do it. When creating a new post, click on the Edit link right next to the Status: Draft label:

Right after doing so, you'll be presented with a new drop-down menu from which you can select Pending Review, and then click the OK button. Now, just click the Save as Pending button that will appear in place of the old Save Draft button, and you have a shiny new article that's pending review.