Protecting content
WordPress gives you the option to hide posts. You can hide a post from everyone but yourself by marking it Private (although the user roles of admin and editor will still see it), or you can hide it from everyone, but the people with whom you share a password by marking it as Password protected. To implement this, look at the Publish box at the upper right of the Edit Post panel. If you click on the Edit link next to Visibility: Public, a few options will appear:

If you click on the Password protected radio button, you'll get a box where you can type a password (limited to 20 characters). Visitors to your blog will see the post title, along with a note that they have to type in a password to read the post.
If you click on the Private radio button, the post will not show up on the blog at all to any viewers, unless you are the viewer, and you are logged in. The post will also appear if the person browsing the site is a logged-in editor (having the user role of Editor).
If you leave the post Public and check the Stick this post to the front page checkbox, this post will be the first post on the front page, regardless of its publication date.
Be sure to click on the OK button, if you make any changes.