Modular Programming in Java 9

Modularity in Java

If you've been a developer for any length of time, you'll have very likely realized that the word module is perhaps one of the most overused terms in software development. A module can mean anything ranging from a group of code entities, components, or UI types, to framework elements to complete reusable libraries. Sometimes, we use the word to imply multiple meanings in the same context!

There is a good reason for that. When writing code, we typically try to break the code base down into smaller units in order to manage complexity. For anything more than very simple programs, having a monolithic code base is not a good idea. That's why modular programming is a generally favored software design approach. There are two important goals that modularity in software development usually achieves, which are as follows:

  • Divide and conquer approach

What do you do when you need to solve a large and seemingly insurmountable problem? You break it down! You'll very likely split it into smaller problems and solve them individually.

The principles of modularity encourages separating large code bases into smaller encapsulated units of functionality that are then composed to work together as a bigger unit. This aligns well with the approach we humans usually take to solve large problems. Also, once you've got a bunch of smaller modules with specialized concerns, you can use those to solve various other problems. Thus, we also achieve reusability!

  • Achieving encapsulation and well-defined interfaces

When you build modules, you have the ability to hide the internal implementation from the consumers of your module. The hidden implementation details are usually referred to as being encapsulated, and what you expose to the consumers of your module is usually called the interface of your module.

Although Java developers have leveraged many different patterns and best practices over the years in order to write and structure modular and maintainable code, the language has never had native support to create modular units and build modular applications, until Java 9. With Java 9, Java developers now have the ability to create smaller units of code with a new construct called Java modules that they can group together like building blocks in order to compose larger applications. In addition to introducing this feature to the language, Java 9 also comes with what is probably the biggest overhaul to the core Java code base itself. The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and the Java Development Kit (JDK) have been rewritten to use the concepts of modularity so that the core Java Platform itself is modularized.

When learning about Java 9 module features, it's important to understand what those new features add to the language when compared to the other features the language already has. Can't we write well organized code in Java 8? In fact, one of the benefits of object-oriented programming is indeed the idea of breaking down functionality into sub-units called objects or classes. We've been writing code like this in Java since version 1. Every Java class contains a portion of the overall application functionality that happens to belongs together. We have the ability to encapsulate some functionalities as internal to a class (as private) and some others as external (or public).

And then there's something in between with protected, thanks to the concept of packages.