Bootstrap 4:Responsive Web Design


In this chapter, we remade our landing page by applying the Bootstrap theme and customizing it, getting a much better result in the end. Right now, we have a clean web page, developed quickly using the mobile-first paradigm.

You also started to learn the use of some forms by going through three examples, one of these being a complementary contact page. Along with forms, we started using JavaScript! We performed form validation and some simple animations on our page, with regard to the template.

Finally, we presented the Bootstrap image options and a bunch of helpers. Remember that there are more helpers than the ones shown in this chapter, but don't worry, because we will see them in the upcoming chapters.

If you think you already have a fancy landing page, we will prove to you that we can improve it even more! We will talk about it again in the next chapter, reaching icons, more forms, buttons, and navigation bars.

Congratulations! You have reached this point of the book. Brace yourself, because the next level is coming. We will take a step forward by using more complex elements and components of Bootstrap.