The print() function
In our first helloworld example, we discussed printing something on the screen. We used the print() function to obtain our result. In Python, a function is a code block that executes a set of defined tasks. The print() function is a part of Python's standard library that prints any combination of alphanumeric characters that is passed as an argument between the quotes. The print() function is used to print information to the screen. It is especially helpful while trying to debug the code. In this example, the print() function was used to print a message on the screen.
In this chapter, the function print() executed the string I am excited to learn Python programming with the Raspberry Pi Zero (we will discuss strings in the later section of this book). It is also possible to write custom function to execute a repetitive task required by the user.
Similarly, the exit() function executes the predefined task of exiting the Python interpreter at the user's call.