Learning SQLite for iOS


As part of its standards, SQLite uses and implements most of the SQL-92 standards, but not all the potential features or parts of functionality are used or realized. For example, SQLite uses and implements most of the SQL-92 standards but not all potent columns. The support for triggers is not 100% as it cannot write output to the views.

As mentioned previously, the use of a common datatype for a column is different; most relational database systems assign them to inpidual values. SQLite will convert a string to an integer if the column's preferred type is an integer. It is a good piece of functionality when bound to this type of scripting language, but the technique is not portable to other RDBMS systems. It also has its criticisms for not having a good data integrity mechanism compared to others, in relation to statically typed columns.

There are some major differences between the two approaches of data: one is Core Data and the SQLite way Core Data is similar to having a layer of information between the user interface and the database itself. It does have the advantage of speeding up database interactivity read/write process and saves writing huge queries. While SQLite is a local relational database with its own efficiencies and limitations, it may not suit all applications. Sometimes, due to the speed of a device, Core Data may have the advantage of SQLite directly.

Briefly, your application will have model layer objects, and these are held and managed in a framework, namely, Core Data. It manages the life cycle of an object within iOS. This is just some background information to show how data can be read from databases and the speed at which this takes place.