What this book covers
Chapter 1, NServiceBus Persistence Introduction, will discuss NSB and the basic persistence design pattern it uses, which include the sagas, gateways, subscriptions, messages, and timeout design patterns. We will also discuss the benefits of using NSB, and what it brings to the table in terms of software design.
Chapter 2, The NServiceBus Architecture, will focus on the NServiceBus architecture. We will also discuss the different message and storage types supported in NSB. This discussion will include an introduction to some of the tools and advantages of using NSB as we conceptually look at how some of the pieces fit together. We will back up the discussions with code examples.
Chapter 3, Particular Service Platform, will focus on Particular Service Platform that includes ServicePulse, ServiceControl, ServiceInsight, and ServiceMatrix. As the name implies, ServicePulse gives us a pulse on the messages, services, and endpoints. ServiceControl is the control API that ServicePulse and ServiceInsight depend on to get their internal information. ServiceInsight gives us graphical and message-level drilldown into the services, endpoints, and messages that also include a saga drilldown. ServiceMatrix is the graphical interface into code generation for NServiceBus endpoints, services, and messages in a Visual Studio canvas.
Chapter 4, Knowing Your IBus, will discuss various configurations and examples of the NSB IBus. In Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), the bus is the backbone of the sagas, subscriptions, sending, timeouts, and gateways. For NServiceBus, the bus interface is known as the IBus. Knowing your IBus is the most important part of NServiceBus.
Chapter 5, Persistence Architecture, will cover persisting items to the database, including messages and logging. For the ESB bus, persistence is the key element for the storing of messages, which could be associated as business objects that run through the ESB workflow. The metadata comprises other persistent elements that define how the messages and workflow are being handled in the ESB through configuration. Persistence can also be considered the feedback that the ESB gives back to the system in the form of logging, errors, and audits.
Chapter 6, SQL Server Examples, will focus on snippets about SQL Server examples. We will discuss queuing in SQL Server. More advanced features for Entity Framework will be discussed, as will MVC-EF examples. This chapter is for developers who are working with SQL Server and Entity Frameworks with NServiceBus.
Chapter 7, Persistent Snippets, will focus on snippets about persistence. We will discuss NHibernate, RavenDB, and MongoDB. We will dive into code to accomplish some database tasks related to NServiceBus. This code could be applied to many tasks that are not ESB-specific. But this is a much needed chapter on database code itself. We will create SQL Server databases without the use of SQL code and read tables that NServiceBus created in RavenDB. We will show how to create tables with code, read tables, and display tables in NHibernate and RavenDB.
Chapter 8, The NSB Cloud, will focus on snippets about NServiceBus in the Azure cloud after an introduction to various components about the Azure cloud services. NSB has a lot of support for the Azure cloud. Be it SQL Storage, Azure Queues, or the Azure Service Bus, NSB is headed in a direction of working more with Cloud Services. We will briefly discuss Salesforce and even NSB integration into mobile devices.