Structuring and choosing content
In this task, we will structure the content we have gathered and choose what we really need for our prezumé. This prezumé aims for a specific job; if you want to change jobs in the future, you need to make another prezume.
Prepare for lift off
Make sure you have the paper where you wrote your job, message, and goal; your written and printed résumé; and a highlighter ready.
Engage thrusters
Take a new look at the paper where you wrote your job, message, and goal, grab the highlighter, and mark in your résumé what's really important to include in your prezumé for this specific job application. You don't want to include everything, because then your prezumé would probably become too large. Your prezumé should be short and engaging enough to attract companies to contact you.
The structuring part of this task is automatically done by the categories of your résumé.
Objective complete – mini debriefing
We have chosen the most important parts of our résumé that will be included in our prezumé. This doesn't seem to be a difficult task, but it's an extremely important task. Make sure you pay enough attention to this task.