About the Reviewers
Michael Badger has written several books for Packt Publishing including Beginner's Guide for Scratch 1.4 and Scratch 2.0. He writes a regular Scratch programming column for Raspberry Pi Geek magazine and frequently facilitates Scratch workshops for both parents and kids. To learn more, visit www.scratchguide.com.
Joshua Madara is a digital and electronic artist living in Seattle, Washington, where he enjoys doing esoteric things with computers. He has introduced Scratch to people of all ages through community centers, makerspaces, and online classes.
Mehul Shukla is one of the PlayStation® Mobile specialists in the SCEE R&D Developer Services Team. The Developer Services Team provides front line engineering support for all game developers, large or small, on all PlayStation platforms. On a daily basis he provides technical support and performance advice for developers all over the globe on the PSM community forums.
Mehul has also given technical talks about PlayStation®Mobile development at a number of Games Industry conferences and academic events.
Mehul joined SCEE R&D straight from University and has a Master's degree in Games Programming and a Bachelor's degree in Computer Systems Engineering.
Mehul has also worked on books titled PlayStation® Mobile Development Cookbook and Mobile Game Design Essentials, both published by Packt Publishing.
Joy Suliman is an educator and community facilitator who specializes in creating dynamic learning workshops with a creative technology focus for children and young people. Joy brings together her strong online skills with her diverse experience in learning technology, workshop facilitation, research, professional development training, online collections, regional outreach, and youth work to develop innovative, integrated learning programs, professional development workshops, and community engagement strategies for informal learning settings.
She has worked at Queensland University of Technology, the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney, Arab Council in Australia, ABC local radio, and the University of Wollongong.