What this book covers
Chapter 1, Meet the Artisteer, helps you to learn what Artisteer exactly is and how it can be useful for you. We will familiarize you with the interface and some basic functions of the application. You will also prepare your very first template.
Chapter 2, The Template Step-by-Step, covers the typical process of designing with Artisteer, explaining all the typical elements of the template one by one. At the end of this chapter, you will be able to prepare your simple website all alone.
Chapter 3, CMS Templates, discusses advantages of using a content management system (CMS) over a static website, and how to use Artisteer for designing templates for such solutions. We will convert our example project into Joomla! and WordPress installable packages, and also import the content from Artisteer into CMS.
Chapter 4, Tips and Tricks, shows you some additional effects you can enrich your project with by slightly modifying the source code generated by the program.