As an emerging frontier science and technology in modern medicine,development of regenerative medicine holds the most promising application in future.Stem cell technology,gene engineering,tissue engineering,tissue/organ xenotransplantation etc.are the most fundamental technologies to support the development of regenerative medicine.The revolution of these technologies is largely dependent on the use of biomaterials.Biomaterials can offer accommodation and niche for cell differentiation and migration,provide targeted delivery and controlled release for gene therapy,and create dynamic mechanical and biological environment for tissue/organ to remodel.This chapter presents several recent developments of biomaterials’ application in regenerative medicine.Firstly,it was proven that through tailoring of a biomaterial,activated signal cascade and guided cell differentiation towards target tissue can be achieved,without addition of cells or cytokines.In other words,the biomaterial itself can stimulate specific host response,recruit stem cells and enrich endogenous cytokines.These biological cues can then be transmitted as intracellular signals and finally induce regeneration of host tissue.Based on the precursory research on osteoinductive biomaterial,the induced regeneration of cartilage,ligament and central nervous system were subsequently achieved.Secondly,biomaterials with nano-level size possess specific antitumor ability without affecting healthy normal cell growth and differentiation.Furthermore,calcium phosphate-based nanoparticles can promote osteogenesis and has proven its antitumor effect in pilot clinical trials.These findings suggest the therapeutic potential of biomaterials to be applied in regenerative medicine as a future direction.
再生医学是通过功能组织或器官结构的再生来治疗疾病、先天性缺陷和损伤的科学与技术,是当代医学的新兴和前沿领域,是未来30年科学与技术最有发展前景的方向之一。按照美国食品药品监督管理局(U.S.Food and Drug Administration,FDA)的观点,器官移植、细胞治疗、基因治疗、组织工程、刺激内源性修复等是目前支撑再生医学发展的主要技术(图1-1),其发展均离不开生物材料。

图1-1 再生医学的主要支撑技术

图1-2 再生医学中生物材料的作用