二 《国际法院规则》的规定
1926年《规则》在参加的请求中增加了口述程序,并在原《规则》第59条基础上新增了一款。[85]1931年《规则》没有变化。1936年《规则》第59条变成第64条,原有条款的措辞发生变化,原条款也有所细分。1936年《规则》第64条第3款重复了1922年《规则》第59条的内容。它要求请求书应转给原当事国,原当事国在常设国际法院规定的时限内或者在法院闭庭时由院长决定的时限内应当将其书面意见交给书记官长。该条第4款规定了口述程序。它还规定如果原当事国未在书面意见中反对参加请求的话,法院可以决定无须口述程序。该条第5款重复规定了法院以判决形式裁决请求。[86]国际法院在马耳他参加案的判决中对1936年修订的《规则》评价认为,常设国际法院在修订规则时并没有对第62条参加在司法实践上有真实经历。所以,它在规则上的讨论并没有新的亮点。在各种争论中,关于明确的参加目的、管辖联系的必要性等问题还是没有解决。同时,看似法院假定请求国将成为诉讼当事国,但是这只能看成对第62条英文版本的解读,而且特指的是“作为第三方”(as a third party)参加。[87]
1978年《规则》进行了彻底修订并重新编号。同样,国际法院对导致规则进行修订的意见并未公开。但是,有些参与修订的法院成员以正式司法声明的形式作出了一些解释说明。拉克斯(Lachs)法官在一份修订准备的解释中提道:“法院对第62条和第63条两个参加的讨论是从它们最初的缘起开始的。这两个参加在1922年和1936年的规则中作出了区分,并限于起草一些一般性规则。1931年的规则并没有新进展。1936年则有另一个重要的观点变化……关于该制度的条款是很少的,但在最近的修订中,法院有所扩展,并要求请求国应当指明可能受影响的法律利益。”[88]1978年《规则》的一个重大变化是关于管辖根据的问题。《规则》在第81条第2款关于请求国应当在请求书中载明的内容上增加了一项,即要求请求国说明“所称存在于该请求参加的国家和该案各当事国之间的管辖根据”。从当时的解释看,管辖根据是一个重要的因素。从事实上看,国家在启动诉讼程序时必须确保没有别的国家在与案件毫无管辖联系的时候能够参加到诉讼中来,否则该第三国不仅参加了诉讼而且还能免于对等行为(reciprocal action),这是诉讼当事国不愿发生的事情。[89]但是这一项内容的增加不仅给国际法院对参加的适用和裁判带来了难度,也给参加制度在后期的发展增添了不少阻碍。管辖根据问题在后来的数个案件中一度成为当事国、第三国争执的焦点,同时也成为法院内部以及学者们热切关注和讨论的主题。除上述变化以外,有关“优先事项”的概念也为法院新增。这为诉讼国提供了重要的保护以防止诉讼进程被不确定地拖延。国际法院还将1936年《规则》中规定法院以判决形式作出裁判的内容删去。因为在该试验案中,斐济的参加请求最后是以法院命令的形式进行裁判的。
[1] Rosenne,The Law and Practice of the International Court,1920-1996,Vol.Ⅲ,p.1481.
[2] Chinkin,Third Parties in International Law,pp.147-148.
[3] Chinkin,Third Parties in International Law,p.149.
[4] “Intervention”一词来自于《国际法院规约》第62条的规定。
[5] Bryan A.Garner,ed.,Black’s Law Dictionary(Eighth Edition),West Group Publishing,2004,pp.2406-2407.
[6] Susan Ellis Wild,ed.,Webster New Worlds Law Dictionary,Wiley Publishing,Inc.,2006,p.160.
[7] 陈治世:《国际法院》,第147页。
[8] 《法国新民事诉讼法典》,罗结珍译,法律出版社,2008,第357页。
[9] 汤维建主编《美国民事诉讼规则》,中国检察出版社,2003,第105页。
[10] 日本国际法学会编《国际法辞典》,外交学院国际法教研室中文版总校订,世纪知识出版社,1985,第612~613页。
[11] 当然并不排除第三国出于策略原因希望达到其他目的而利用参加程序。
[12] See Land,Island and Maritime Frontier Dispute(El Salvador/ Honduras),Application by Nicaragua for Permission to Intervene,Judgment,ICJ Reports,1990.
[13] 二者在概念上相对应并不是说二者必然持相反的意见或主张。
[14] 《规约》中虽然没有专章专节规定附带程序,但是也分别在第21条、第63条规定了临时保全,即指示临时措施和有关条约解释的参加等另外两个附带程序。
[15] 王林彬:《国际司法程序价值论》,第55页。
[16] Haya de la Torre Case,Judgment,ICJ Reports,1951,p.76.本案虽然是关于《规约》第63条的参加问题,但这并不影响对第62条参加某些特性的理解。下文出现的类似情形不再赘以说明。
[17] Land,Island and Maritime Frontier Dispute(El Salvador/ Honduras),Application by Nicaragua for Permission to Intervene,Judgment,ICJ Reports,1990,pp.133-134,paras.97-99.
[18] Nuclear Tests Case(Australia v. France),Interim Protection,Order,ICJ Reports,1973,p.106;Nuclear Tests Case(New Zealand v. France),Interim Protection,Order,ICJ Reports,1973,p.142.
[19] Nuclear Tests Case(Australia v. France),Application by Fiji for Permission to Intervene,Order,ICJ Reports,1973,p.321;Nuclear Tests Case(New Zealand v. France),Application by Fiji for Permission to Intervene,Order,ICJ Reports,1973,p.325.
[20] Nuclear Tests Case(Australia v. France),Application by Fiji for Permission to Intervene,Order,ICJ Reports,1974,p.531;Nuclear Tests Case(New Zealand v. France),Application by Fiji for Permission to Intervene,Order,ICJ Reports,1974,p.536.
[21] Shabtai Rosenne,Procedure in the International Court:A Commentary on the 1978 Rules of the International Court of Justice,M.Nijhoff Publishers,1983,p.173.
[22] 这里的“其他各国”结合该条第1项的规定理解,即指非规约当事国。
[23] Rosenne,The Law and Practice of the International Court,1920-1996,Vol.Ⅲ,p.1518.
[24] Rosenne,The Law and Practice of the International Court,1920-1996,Vol.Ⅲ,p.1518.
[25] 联合国网站:http://www.un.org/en/members/growth.shtml#2000,2014年1月15日访问。
[26] 杉原高嶺:《国际司法裁判制度》,第251页。
[27] See Preferential Treatment of Claims of Blockading Powers Against Venezuela(Germany,Great Britain and Italy v.Venesuela).
[28] Report of Mr de Lapradelle,Chairman of the Drafting Committee,Procès-Verbaux of the Proceedings of the Committee,1920,pp.693-749.
[29] Draft Scheme of a Convention concerning an International Judicial Organisation,drawn up by three Committees nominated respectively by the Governments of Denmark,Norway and Sweden,Art.31,Documents Presented to the Committee Relating to Existing Plans for the Establishment of a Permanent Court of International Court of Justice,p.181.
[30] Draft for the establishment of a Permanent Court of International Court of Justice provided in Article 14 of the Covenant of the League of Nations,Art.48,Documents Presented to the Committee Relating to Existing Plans for the Establishment of a Permanent Court of International Court of Justice,p.321.
[31] Draft of a Convention respecting a Permanent International Court of Justice,drawn up by a Swedish Governmental Commission,1919,Art.21,Documents Presented to the Committee Relating to Existing Plans for the Establishment of a Permanent Court of International Court of Justice,p.243.
[32] Rosenne,The Law and Practice of the International Court,1920-1996,Vol.Ⅲ,p.1485.
[33] 五国计划的第48条第1款规定:“提交至法院的争端影响了第三国利益时,该第三国可参加诉讼。”
[34] 英文为:“Should a State consider that it has an interest of a legal nature,which may be affected by the decision in the case,it may submit a request to the Court to be permitted to intervene. It will be for the Court to decide upon this request.”同现行《规约》第62条相比,除了标点及“will”表述外,该措辞与其近乎一致。
[35] 28th Meeting(Private),held at the Peace Palace,the Hague,on July 20th,1920,Procès-Verbaux of the Proceedings of the Committee,1920,pp.592-594.
[36] Procès-Verbaux of the Proceedings of the Committee,pp.669-670.
[37] 英文为:“Should a State consider that it has an interest of a legal nature,which may be affected by the decision in the case,it may submit a request to the Court to be permitted to intervene as a third party”,Procès-Verbaux of the Proceedings of the Committee,1920,pp.684-685.
[38] Procès-Verbaux of the Proceedings of the Committee,p.754.
[39] Shabtai Rosenne,Intervention in the International Court of Justice,M.Nijhoff Publishers,1993,p.23.
[40] Rosenne,The Law and Practice of the International Court,1920-1996,Vol.Ⅲ,pp.1494-1495.
[41] Report on Draft Statute of an International Court of Justice referred to in Chapter VII of the Dumbarton Oaks Proposals(Jules Basdevant,Rapporteur),Official Comments relating to the Statute of the Proposed International Court of Justice,Documents of the United Nations Conference on International Organization,1945,p.849.
[42] Continental Shelf(Tunisia/ Libyan Arab Jamahiriya),Application by Malta for Permission to Intervene,Judgment,ICJ Reports,1981,p.15,para.25.
[43] Case of the S.S.“Wimbledon”,apply to intervene by Poland in 1923.
[44] 关于国际法院时期第63条参加的司法实践主要有哈雅·德·拉·托雷案(哥伦比亚诉秘鲁,古巴请求参加),尼加拉瓜军事和准军事行动案(尼加拉瓜诉美国,萨尔瓦多请求参加)以及2014年3月31日实体程序刚刚审结的南极捕鲸案(澳大利亚诉日本,新西兰请求参加)。
[45] Nuclear Test(Australia v. France,New Zealand v. France),apply to intervene by Fiji in 1973.
[46] Continental Shelf(Tunisia/ Libyan Arab Jamahiriya),apply to intervene by Malta in 1981.
[47] Continental Shelf(Libyan Arab Jamahiriya/ Malta),apply to intervene by Italy in 1983.
[48] Sovereignty over Pulau Ligitan and Pulau Sipadan(Indonesial/ Malaysia),apply to intervene by Philippines in 1998.
[49] Territorial and Maritime Dispute(Nicaragua v. Colombia),separately apply to intervene by Costa Rica and Honduras in 2010.
[50] Land,Island and Maritime Frontier Dispute(El Salvador/ Honduras),apply to intervene by Nicaragua in 1989.
[51] Land and Maritime Boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria,apply to intervene by Equatorial Guinea in 1999.
[52] Jurisdictional Immunities of the State(Germany v. Italy),apply to intervene by the Hellenic Republic in 2011.
[53] 此案判决后,学者对ICJ态度的变化及参加制度本身展开了热烈而深入的讨论。See J.Collier,“Intervention in the International Court:A Slight Breakthrough”,The Cambridge Law Journal,Vol.50,No.2,1991;J.Quintana,” the Intervention by Nicaragua in the Case between El Salvador and Honduras before an Ad Hoc Chamber of the International Court of Justice”,Netherlands International Law Review,Vol.38,1991;D.W.Greig,“Third Party Rights and Intervention before the International Court”,32 Va.J.Int’l L. 285(1991-1992);A.Moore,“Ad hoc chambers of the international court and the question of intervention”,Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law,Summer92,Vol.24 Issue 3;J.Merrills and Malcolm D.Evans,“The Land and Maritime Boundary Case(Cameroon v.Nigeria):The Intervention by Equatorial Guinea”,International and Comparative Law Quarterly,Vol.49,No.3,(Jul.,2000);Mariano Rubio,“Intervention before the International Court of Justice:the Nicaraguan Intervention in El Salvador/Honduras Case”,Anuario Mexicano de Derecho International,Vol.I,2001.
[54] 法律条文中一般依“章”、“节”、“条”、“款”、“项”进行立法编排,但由于在《国际法院规约》的官方中文译本中,其本身依据的是“条”、“项”的顺序,所以对于《规约》条文的援引将沿用规约惯例。关于“条”之后是“项”的依据可见于《国际法院规约》第四条第二项、第五条第一项、第七条等规定。
[55] 第62条的英文为:“l.Should a state consider that it has an interest of a legal nature which may be affected by the decision in the case,it may submit a request to the Court to be permitted to intervene.2.It shall be for the Court to decide upon this request.”
[56] 这一典型的例子是国际法院的从罗马移出黄金案。
[57] Fitzmaurice,The Law and Procedure of the International Court of Justice,Vol.Ⅱ,p.550;Rosenne,The Law and Practice of the International Court,1920-1996,Vol.Ⅲ,p.1482.
[58] Chinkin,Third Parties in International Law,p.150.
[59] 杉原高嶺:《国际司法裁判制度》,第253页。
[60] Andreas Zimmermann et al. eds.,The Statute of the International Court of Justice:A Commentary,Second Edition,Oxford University Press,2012,pp.1575-1576.
[61] Case of the S.S.“Wimbledon”,Question of Intervention by Poland,PCIJ,Series A,No.1,p.12.
[62] 当然,罗森认为在没有权威解释的情况下对其区分,就需要指出规则上这些区别是否会导致不同的实际后果。See Rosenne,The Law and Practice of the International Court,1920-1996,Vol.Ⅲ,p.1517.
[63] Greig,“Third Party Rights and Intervention before the International Court”,p.310.
[64] 杉原高嶺:《国际司法裁判制度》,第254页。
[65] Chinkin,Third Parties in International Law,p.154.
[66] Manley O.Hudson,The Permanent Court of International Justice,1934,p.422,cited in Zimmermann et al. eds.,The Statute of the International Court of Justice:A Commentary,p.1577.
[67] 罗森认为将第59条的拘束力规定和第60条的终局性规定结合起来理解,就产生了判决的既判力。See Rosenne,The Law and Practice of the International Court,Vol.Ⅱ,1965,p.623,转引自杉原高嶺《国际司法裁判制度》,第289~291页。
[68] 杉原高嶺:《国际司法裁判制度》,第286页。
[69] 法院在实体判决中增加了对意大利的保护。See Continental Shelf(Tunisia/ Libyan Arab Jamahiriya),Judgment,ICJ Reports,1985,pp.24-28,paras.20-23.
[70] Continental Shelf(Tunisia/ Libyan Arab Jamahiriya),Application by Italy for Permission to Intervene,Judgment,Dissenting Opinion of Sir Robert Jennings,ICJ Reports,1984,p.157.
[71] Continental Shelf(Tunisia/ Libyan Arab Jamahiriya),Application by Italy for Permission to Intervene,Judgment,Dissenting Opinion of Oda,ICJ Reports,1984,p.102.
[72] Land,Island and Maritime Frontier Dispute(El Salvador/ Honduras:Nicaragua intervening),Judgment,ICJ Reports,1992,p.601,para.403.
[73] C.Wilfred Jenks,The Prospects of International Adjudication,Stevens & Sons,1964,p.614.
[74] Land,Island and Maritime Frontier Dispute(El Salvador/ Honduras),Application by Nicaragua for Permission to Intervene,Judgment,ICJ Reports,1990,p.121.
[75] Chinkin,Third Parties in International Law,p.156.
[76] Chinkin,Third Parties in International Law,pp.156-157.
[77] Rosenne,Procedure in the International Court:A Commentary on the 1978 Rules of the International Court of Justice,p.175.
[78] 《规则》第42条规定:“书记官长应将向法庭提出诉讼的请求书或特别协定通知书的副本送交:1.联合国秘书长;2.联合国各会员国;3.其他有权在法院出庭的国家。”
[79] Rosenne,Procedure in the International Court:A Commentary on the 1978 Rules of the International Court of Justice,p.179.
[80] See Continental Shelf,(Tunisia/Libyan Arab Jamahiriya),Pleadings,Oral Arguments,Documents,Vol.IV,p.281.
[81] 关于常设国际法院时期和1945年以后《规则》的修订情况,可分别参见国际法院网站:http://www.icj-cij.org/pcij/series-d.php?p1=9&p2=5,http://www.icj-cij.org/documents/index.php?p1=4&p2=3&p3=0,2014年1月17日访问。
[82] Rules of Court,Preparation of the Rules of Court,Draft prepared by the secretariat,PCIJ,Series D,No.2,p.266.
[83] Rules of Court,Series D,No.1,1926,p.27.
[84] Continental Shelf(Tunisia/ Libyan Arab Jamahiriya),Application by Malta for Permission to Intervene,Judgment,ICJ Reports,1981,p.14,para.23.
[85] Revised Rules of Court,PCIJ,Series D,No.1,1st edn.,pp.33,57.
[86] PCIJ,Series D,No.1,3rd edn.,p.50.
[87] 这里可见《常设国际法院规约》中的“as a third party”也给国际法院对《规则》的理解带来困惑。Continental Shelf(Tunisia/ Libyan Arab Jamahiriya),Application by Malta for Permission to Intervene,Judgment,ICJ Reports,1981,p.15,para.24.
[88] M.Lachs,loc.‘The Revised Procedure of the International Court of Justice’,Essays on the Development of the International Legal Order in memory of Haro F.van Panhuys 39,F.Kalshoven et al.,eds.1980,cited in Shabtai Rosenne,The Law and Practice of the International Court,1920-1996,Vol.Ⅲ,M.Nijhoff Publishers,1997,p.1502.
[89] M.Lachs,loc.‘The Revised Procedure of the International Court of Justice’,Essays on the Development of the International Legal Order in memory of Haro F.van Panhuys 39,F.Kalshoven et al.,eds.1980,cited in Shabtai Rosenne,The Law and Practice of the International Court,1920-1996,Vol.Ⅲ,M.Nijhoff Publishers,1997,p.1502.