

Chinese Herbal Medicine and Shennong


Legend has it that in ancient times, our primitive ancestors often lived a life of eating raw meat and drinking blood, having far inadequate food supplies.Seeing all the sufferings, Shennong, the clan leader,felt deeply sympathetic to all the sufferings his clansmen were bearing.

为了改善族人的生活,神农走上了寻食采药的旅途。每遇一种植物,他便亲自品尝并记录下它的味道和食后反应,并以此为同族居民果腹治病。In order to improve the lives of his clansmen,Shennong embarked on a journey to f ind food and medicine. Each time he found a plant, he would personally taste it, test it, ascertain its medicinal value,and then use it to help relieve his people of their afflictions and sufferings.


One day, one of his clansmen got hurt in a hunting accident. He, though recovered from his wounds, still remained weak.


During his herb collection, Shennong caught sight of a plant with almost no weeds nearby, which was quite unusual. Therefore, he dug it out and surprisingly found that the shape of its root resembled that of a human.


Associating with the environment in which it grew, Shennong realized that the plant must have accumulated the essence of nature, so he took it and gave it to the patient and, sure enough, the man restored his energy and vitality.


This herb is now known as “Ren Shen” (Ginseng),which is named for its resemblance to human beings(“Ren” in Chinese).


Many of Shennong’s clansmen had fertility problems,resulting in the restriction of the clan development.That worried Shennong a lot.


In the process of searching for medicine on the mountain, Shennong found that sheep always copulated constantly after they had eaten a certain kind of plant.


Instinctively, Shennong felt that this plant might help fertility, so he collected it and brought it back to his clansmen. As was expected, the population of the ethnic group began to boom over the next few years.


As the discovery of this herb was sheep-associated—sheep continue to copulate after eating, accordingly, it is named “Yin Yang (“Sheep” in English) Huo” (Herba Epimedii).


Once the clan had a great harvest. Shennong and his people celebrated it with a banquet. At the banquet,there was abundant f ish and meat, which Shennong took in a lot.


However, in the next few days, Shennong became constipated and had no defecation for several days. He felt absolutely bloated.


Shennong recalled that in the past, a kind of herb had the effect of defecation, so he picked it and took it. Soon he felt unbearable abdominal pain and immediately released his stools. And naturally he felt a lot carefree.


This herb is yellow (“Huang” in Chinese) in color and strong (“Da” in Chinese) in effect, so it is called “Da Huang” (Radix et Rhizoma Rhei).


Unfortunately, in the course of a medicinal collection,Shennong died from mistakenly taking Gelsemium elegans, a highly toxic yellow-flowered shrub known as heartbreak grass.


Shennong, also known as the Yan Emperor, was eulogized everywhere in later generations. In order to commemorate his outstanding contribution to human development, the Chinese people often call themselves“descendants of the Yan and Huang Emperors”.Moreover, later generations of medical experts began to compile the pharmacopoeia Shennong’s Herbal Classic in the name of Shennong.


Shennong’s Herbal Classic