(13)冠词(The Articles)
1. a 和 an 的用途:
(1)a 用于辅音之前(所谓辅音系指该词的实际读音而言)。
例:a b ox,a u seful thing(因 u = 〔ju:〕),a ew e lamb(因 ew = 〔ju:〕),a o ne-eyed man(因 o = 〔wʌ〕)
(2)an 用于元音之前(所谓元音指实际的读音而言)。
例:an o x,an h ou r,an h ei r,an h o nest man(因 h 不发音)
1. There is a inkspot on that paper. Ink is an useful article.
2. He was shot by a arrow while riding an horse.
3. I never allow a organ to be played in front of my window.
4. A box of tools would be an useful present to him.
5. He gave a apple to one of them,and a orange to the other.
6. He is a untidy man,both in his work and in his dress.
7. Have you an history of America to lend me?
8. He was a African by birth,not an European.
9. He was kept two months laid up in an hospital.
10. I never saw such a thing before,it was an unique sight.
11. He was looked upon as an hero by all who knew him.
12. He was cheered with an universal shout of applause.
13. Have you a umbrella that you could lend me?
2. 关于冠词特别注意事项:
a. 两个名词之前各别用冠词时,表示所指者为各别的两物(人)。
例:The poet and the statesman are dead.(两个不同的人)
The poet and statesman is dead.(同一人)
b. 修饰同一名词的两个形容词之前,各有冠词时,则指两个不同之物(人)。
例:I have a black and a white cat.(黑猫和白猫各一)
I have a black and white cat.(黑白花纹的一猫)
c. 但只用一次冠词,亦可指不同之二物(人),但名词须变为复数。
例:1. Bring me the black and the white cat.(两猫)
2. Bring me the black and white cats.(两猫)
3. Bring me the black and white cat.(一猫)
公式:A(n)+ 单数名词 = 复数名词
例:A man cannot live long without food and drink.
Men cannot live long without food and drink.
例:The book on the table is a dictionary.(特指在桌上的那本书)
The honesty of my servant is doubtful.(专指我的仆人的忠实)
The waves at that time were very rough.(专指那个时候的浪)
但“定冠词 + 单数名词”有时表示该种类全体,此时则在意义上与“不定冠词 + 单数名词”没有多大分别。
例:The horse is a noble animal.(马这种动物)
此时 The horse 改为 A horse 亦未尝不可。
A. 用适当的冠词填入空白处:
1. ____chair on which you are sitting is not comfortable.
2. There is____pencil on the desk.
3. ____customer whom Mr. Smith telephoned this morning is here now,waiting to see him.
4. There is____customer waiting to see Mr. Smith.
5. I should like to find____good book to read tonight.
6. ____book which I am reading now is a very good one.
7. ____book which gave me the greatest pleasure was“Les Miserable”.
8. ____good book is always a pleasure to me.
9. Have you____cigarette?
10. John angrily threw away____cigarette he was smoking.
B. 下列句子的空白处,若需要冠词时,用适当者填入之。
1. ____coal is mined in____many countries.
2. ____fresh air is necessary for____health.
3. ____water must be pure when used for drinking purposes.
4. ____water in the ocean is very salty.
5. Plenty of____rain and____sun are necessary for the raising of cotton.
6. ____tea will not keep you awake at night.
7. ____tea which is imported from____China is of good quality.
8. ____tea in this pot is weak.
9. ____cotton is one of____important products of____South.
10. ____tea,____cotton,and____rice come from____India.
11. ____steel in this building came from____Pittsburgh.
12. ____copper is a good conductor of____electricity.
13. New York city is____largest city in____United States.
C. 将下列句中的冠词补出:
1. Rhone River flows through Lake Geneva,which acts as filter for river.
2. Most of Chinese live on plain of Yang-tse Kiang. Many live on plain of Hwan Ho.
3. Mt. Everest is highest mountain in world.
4. In order to reach Philippine Islands from Hong Kong one must cross China Sea.
5. Mississippi is longest river in north America.
6. Panama Canal joins Pacific and Atlantic oceans.
7. First World War began in month of August,1914.
8. President of United States is elected every four years.
9. Himalayas are greatest mountain range.
10. Wolf is animal of same family as dog.
D. 将下列句子变为单数,注意加上适当的冠词:
1. Camels travel across the desert.
2. Coolies work very hard.
3. Sharks are dangerous creatures.
4. Cows do not eat flesh.
5. Monkeys have long tails.
6. Footballs are filled with air.
7. Rats are larger than mice.
8. Bicycles have two wheels.
9. Kangaroos do not lay eggs.
10. Fire engines carry ladders.
1. I have just bought a fresh copy of the Old and New Testament.
2. The five elements,according to the Hindoos,are the earth,the air,the fire,the water,and
the ether.
3. Burnt child shunts the fire.
4. The old and new method of cure failed equally with him.
5. A cool and a bracing air suits me better than anything.
6. The black and the white horse that he rides fell with him.
7. I have to keep two servant-maids for this house,a cook and housemaid.
8. The just and the merciful general spared the conquered.
9. A live ass is better than dead lion.
10. The men have a higher degree of reason than the brutes.
11. He was much respected both by the civil and military officers.
12. The greatest traders in Europe are the English,Germans,and Dutch.
13. The loyal and disloyal members were agreed on this point.
14. The two parties,the Whig and Tory,were nearly equally balanced.
15. There are in this town a club,public library,and swimming bath.
16. This book is the work of a patient and an acute observer.