(14)名词所有格(Nouns in Possessive Case)
名词的所有格由加’s(apostrophe s)于名词而构成,但在如下的场合,s 可省去,仅用“’”。
(1)有复数语尾 s 的复数名词:
如 A girls’ school;the students’ rooms.
(2)最后音节为“s + 元音 + s”的固有名词:
如 Mo ses ’ laws;for Je sus ’ sake.
(3)有 s 或 ce 语尾的单数名词,用在 for...sake 之间者。
如 For appearance’ sake;for goodness’ sake.
合成语的所有格,’s 应加在最后一字上。
如 My mother-in-law’s child;the Queen of England’s yacht;his brother George’s wife.
1. My niece’s book has been left on the shelf:she is careless.
2. The thief’s trick was found out through his own carelessness.
3. The horse’s hoof will be hurt if it is not shod.
4. Did you see any lady’s cloak in this room?
5. A mistress’s order must be obeyed by her pupils.
6. Many an ox’s hide was brought into the market and sold.
7. Try to rescue that ship’s crew before the ship is lost.
8. We have found the robbers’ cave;they will soon be caught.
9. A man’s muscles are stronger than a woman’s.
10. A librarian’s salary is seldom as high as it should be.
11. The witnesses’’evidence was not to be believed.
12. The lioness’s roar was heard far and wide.
13. A hero’s exploits will always be remembered.
14. The dwarf’s arm was as short as that of a child.
15. The wife’s quarters were well planned and well built.
16. The duchess’s jewel has been found by the police.
17. I dislike to hear the goose’s cackling.