Moodle 2.0 First Look

Chapter 3. Editing Text and Managing Files

In this chapter, we'll begin to set up a course. We'll provide descriptions for the materials using the new HTML editor and will look at uploading and accessing resources with the enhanced file management system. We'll discover that Moodle 2.0 gives us a private file storage facility and we shall also investigate how our students can export work they've uploaded to Moodle to an external portfolio such as Google Docs or Mahara.

Typing and editing text in Moodle 2.0

Whenever we want to add text in Moodle, we click on the editing icon. It often resembles a pen and hand, but varies according to your chosen theme. This takes us to a screen we can type into. The textbox we type into is known as the HTML editor, although for most of the part we just compose our sentences; change the font styles, colors, and sizes in a WYSIWYG way. A few of the icons in the toolbar of this HTML editor are similar to the ones we might use in regular Word processing programs such as MS Word or Open Office.

In Moodle 2.0, the HTML editor has been replaced with a version known as Tiny MCE, a very popular Open Source editor you might have encountered in content management systems or blogging software such as WordPress. Along with Internet Explorer and Firefox, it will work with web browsers such as Safari, Chrome, and Opera, unlike Moodle's previous HTML editor. The following screenshot shows the new editor (on the bottom) with the original editor (on the top):

Typing and editing text in Moodle 2.0

Let's take a brief look at what's changed in this new editor. The following screenshot highlights existing features which have new icons and new features not which were present before. Those aspects which have not been altered have been ignored:

Typing and editing text in Moodle 2.0
Feature number           Description
Typing and editing text in Moodle 2.0           Find and replace words/phrases
Typing and editing text in Moodle 2.0           Toggle full screen mode
Typing and editing text in Moodle 2.0           Citations/abbreviations/acronym
Typing and editing text in Moodle 2.0           Select all
Typing and editing text in Moodle 2.0           Clean up messy code
Typing and editing text in Moodle 2.0           Remove formatting
Typing and editing text in Moodle 2.0           Paste as plain text
Typing and editing text in Moodle 2.0           Paste from MS Word
Typing and editing text in Moodle 2.0           Select text color
Typing and editing text in Moodle 2.0           Select background color
Typing and editing text in Moodle 2.0           Insert or edit image
Typing and editing text in Moodle 2.0           Add Moodle media
Typing and editing text in Moodle 2.0           Horizontal rule
Typing and editing text in Moodle 2.0           Non-breaking space character
Typing and editing text in Moodle 2.0           Insert a custom character (for example. symbol/accent)
Typing and editing text in Moodle 2.0           Insert a table
Typing and editing text in Moodle 2.0           Insert a new layer
Typing and editing text in Moodle 2.0           Edit CSS style
Typing and editing text in Moodle 2.0           Visual control characters on/off
Typing and editing text in Moodle 2.0           Edit the HTML source code
Typing and editing text in Moodle 2.0           Preview what you've typed
Typing and editing text in Moodle 2.0           Toggle languages of the spellchecker

As you can see then, there are many more options available to us when adding descriptions of our materials or summaries of our courses. However, one of the most powerful new features is the ability to add and embed media directly from within this new HTML editor.