Unity 2018 Artificial Intelligence Cookbook(Second Edition)

Getting ready

We need to make some modifications to our AgentBehaviour class:

  1. Add new member values to limit some of the existing ones:
public float maxSpeed; 
public float maxAccel; 
public float maxRotation; 
public float maxAngularAccel;

  1. Add a function called MapToRange. This function helps in finding the actual direction of rotation after two orientation values are subtracted:
public float MapToRange (float rotation) { 
    rotation %= 360.0f; 
    if (Mathf.Abs(rotation) > 180.0f) { 
        if (rotation < 0.0f) 
            rotation += 360.0f; 
            rotation -= 360.0f; 
    return rotation; 
  1. Also, we need to create a basic behavior called Align that is the stepping stone for the facing algorithm. It uses the same principle as Arrive, but only in terms of rotation:
using UnityEngine; 
using System.Collections; 
public class Align : AgentBehaviour 
    public float targetRadius; 
    public float slowRadius; 
    public float timeToTarget = 0.1f; 
    public override Steering GetSteering() 
        Steering steering = new Steering(); 
        float targetOrientation = target.GetComponent<Agent>().orientation; 
        float rotation = targetOrientation - agent.orientation; 
        rotation = MapToRange(rotation); 
        float rotationSize = Mathf.Abs(rotation); 
        if (rotationSize < targetRadius) 
            return steering; 
        float targetRotation; 
        if (rotationSize > slowRadius) 
            targetRotation = agent.maxRotation; 
            targetRotation = agent.maxRotation * rotationSize / slowRadius; 
        targetRotation *= rotation / rotationSize; 
        steering.angular = targetRotation - agent.rotation; 
        steering.angular /= timeToTarget; 
        float angularAccel = Mathf.Abs(steering.angular); 
        if (angularAccel > agent.maxAngularAccel) 
            steering.angular /= angularAccel; 
            steering.angular *= agent.maxAngularAccel; 
        return steering; 